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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

Welcome to the Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web idea-sharing space! For Goodnotes for Apple's platforms, please visit the Goodnotes for iOS/iPadOS/macOS forum.

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2293 results found

  1. Possibilidade de criação de uma tabela, escolhendo a quantidade de linhas e colunas, permitindo posicionar em qualquer lugar.

    1 vote
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  2. Den Speicherort der Notizbücher frei wählen können und somit offline verfügbar machen, aber auch an einem eigenen Cloud Service ablegen können.

    1 vote
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  3. While using it, the part of the page freezes.

    1 vote
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  4. Can Goodnotes 6 provide different audio Playback settings such as 1.25x speed?

    1 vote
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  5. Add S pen to text.
    Add stickers.
    More pens customisability

    1 vote
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  6. 파일은 그대로 있는데 지우개로 지운 것 같이 없어졌어요 와이파이 안돠는 곳에서 처음에는 페이지 템플릿만 없어졌었는데 다 사라져버렸어요.....

    1 vote
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  7. How do I use this template? Do I need to open another calendar to find out where is a particular day?

    1 vote
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  8. 코멘트 추가를 하고싶지 않은데 필기를 하다보면 계속 떠서 좀 끌수있게 개선되면 좋겠어요

    1 vote
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  9. Is it possible to have the web version of the notes exported as .goodnotes, I think this implementation seems like it would be simpler if syncing ipad and wins is not possible

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  10. 蛍光ペンのみ消去の設定がありますが、ボールペン(万年筆・筆ペン)のみ消去の設定も追加してほしい

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  11. 1 vote
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  12. PDF(書籍など)は左開き・右開きのものがあるので、スクロールの方向を左右のどちらにも変えられるようにしてほしい。

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  13. The version of Goodnotes I am running doesn't have the option to view folders and files in a details/list view. It appears this is an option on other versions of Goodnotes, but it doesn't appear to be an option on the Windows version. Could this be added to the Windows version, please?

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    1. 텍스트박스를 입력할때 s펜 필기 인식하여 글꼴 적용
    2. 하이라이터 이동 3.스티커 를 사용자가 등록할수 있는 기능
    3. 아이패드의 굿노트와 같은 탭기능
    1 vote
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  14. Ứng dụng đang viết thì bị lag

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  15. 1 vote
  16. I really like Goodnotes on my iPad mini, so I downloaded it for windows because I wanted to type some notes out and figured I could do it faster on my PC. I know the Windows version is new, but good lord why is it so different from IOS? I have very little features compared to IOS just when looking at text box formatting alone. My note libraries are completely separate between the two apps which seems like an odd choice. Also why is it a webapp? It should be a locally run application, I don't want to have to…

    1 vote
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  17. I would like if there was a third eraser option in the Windows Goodnotes like there is in the iOS one where I can make a rectangle highlighter by erasing the edges and the standard eraser does not do that.

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  18. This would be super helpful for long notebooks!

    (I have paid IOS version)

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  19. Have Goodnotes detect the titles to your notes and add them to the outline.

    (I have paid version on IOS)

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