Settings and activity

55 results found

  1. 750 votes
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    In GoodNotes 5 we implemented the option to create infinite subfolders to replace the concept of “categories” in GoodNotes 4. Consider using multiple documents in a subfolders instead of adding everything to one notebook. If you want to further divide your notebook internally, you can use bookmarks or custom outlines to label your pages.

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    sp commented  · 

    Just use multiple notebooks and subfolders instead.
    A structured and collapsible outline would be nice though ( just like imported pdfs have)

  2. 6,299 votes
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    sp supported this idea  · 
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    sp commented  · 

    While I don’t need a ton of brushes and realise that GN is for note taking and not art - at least a pencil would be nice. You promised us one over 6 years ago…
    Some few brushes like in paper53 or bamboo paper would be nice though.

  3. 35 votes
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  4. 47 votes
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  5. 24 votes
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  6. 15 votes
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  7. 703 votes
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    sp commented  · 

    I give after school tuition in physics. It would be incredibly useful to include animated gifs for motor, dynamo, laser diode usf… in the notes.
    I expect other subjects need this as well.

    sp supported this idea  · 
  8. 1,808 votes
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  9. 57 votes
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  10. 956 votes
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  11. 92 votes
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  12. 43 votes
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    sp commented  · 

    One can not share/collaborate on documents unless sync is active. For me that would mean to rent additional icloud space to sync approx 12GB of notes, that I don’t need synced, just to collaborate on some notes with my students.
    We need either an option to exclude files/folders from sync or to allow sync for shared files only. Urgently!
    Also some companies/schools/universities prohibit export of files to 3rd party clouds.
    As it stands now I have to turn of sync completely & can not share/ collaborate at all or sync personal/unrelated notes without violating university regulations in the process.

    sp supported this idea  · 
  13. 44 votes
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    sp commented  · 

    Yes, absolutely!!!
    A way to organise the notebook with a hierarchical collapsable outline - like the pdf outline and right there in the pdf outline tab.
    And additionally the option to mark a page with a small bookmark flag, like in ibooks, with no need to add a title. The bookmark tab could then display thumbnails of all pages with such a bookmark flag.
    This way we could have both - a nicely organised notebook and quick access to important or frequently used pages.

  14. 2,672 votes
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    sp commented  · 

    yes, this would be great. The MacOS notebook app by "circusponies" had something like this.
    At the end of each notebook was a "todo"page, with a listing of all todos of that notebook, sorted by section. (Notebooks could be organised via an ouline page with collapsable structure, much like goodnotes pdf-outline feature - i miss that too)
    Also, it had several other 'visual tags' like exclamition marks, rolodex icon, calendar icon ... that could link to adress book and calender entries :) . You could search for them and would get a list of all pages where occured. This would be a great feature!

  15. 3,158 votes
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    sp commented  · 

    I think it would be sufficient / better to have a " scroll" mode for page turning. Instead of sweaping pages from left to right, new pages could start directly at the bottom of previous pages. An unobstrusive dotted line could indicate the end of a page, with an option to switch it of in the preferences. This way we could even switch from endless (scroll) mode to page turn mode and back again in the page settings.
    End of page indication would help to avoid images and text on the page break, in case i want some print outs later on - if i'm sure i'll never need those i can ignore page break and turn the indicator off.

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