9107 results found
Geometrical shapes creation tool
It would be nice, if Good Notes would feature a tool to create geometrical shapes the same way as it is possible in Word or other text editors, so that you can tap a button, choose the shape and place it, since the given tool is often not able to interpret correctly how I want the shape to be exactly. It is often useful as it is easier to use, but both possibilities would be great.
10 votes -
Implement keyboard shortcut to switch to the text box tool like in GN4 (cmd+shift+T)
I am a physics student and use a hardware keyboard to write text during lectures but use the pencil to draw sketches and write formulas. I am much slower in GN5 because this shortcut is missing.
Keyboard shortcuts to switch between the other tools would also be very welcome.6 votes -
Bug Report, Eraser Tool
When using the Eraser Tool with the "Auto-Deselect" option enabled, please revert back to the last USED tool, not the last SELECTED tool, when the erase is completed.
For instance, if I am writing with the Pen Tool, then mistakenly click on the Highlighter Tool, but I don't USE it, then I immediately click on the Eraser Tool and erase some writing, when I'm done erasing, it reverts back to the Highlighter and when I try to write again, I end up highlighting.
Since the Highlighting Tool was not USED, the Eraser should revert back to the last USED tool,…
4 votes -
Add Presentation mode where the double tap of the new Apple pencil will changes slides
A Presentation mode where it is full screen and double tapping the apple pencil changes slide/page allowing your apple pencil to double as a presentation remote
8 votes -
These seem obvious: 1) Continuous sheets; 2)time stamp; 3) convert to text on the page; 4) save as .docx or .rtf
1) continuous sheets-why the small cards?
2) a date time stamp is necessary. I would like a command or template to have a start and a stop time;
3) convert handwriting to text on the page;
4) save as ,docx or .rtf10 votes -
add space to page
By adding space to the existing page one can make more notes or add pictures on the same page and not on the next
10 votes -
3 votes
Add “remove background color” option to print & export menus
In GoodNotes 4, there is an option to “Remove Background Color” when printing. This option is not present in GoodNotes 5. This feature is not the same as the “Black & White” option, which prints the page background color as gray—instead of removing it—which wastes ink.
GoodNotes 5, as it stands, only has the option to remove the page background, but (as the name suggests) the background is removed entirely; the lines on graph paper, for example, are removed, which cripple printing functionality.
18 votes -
The new update is SO UNSTABLE! It crashes constantly. Tried to open the older version but the iCloud sync hadn't worked. I've now lost a days work.
6 votes -
I can't delete my drawings with the virtual rubber
I can't delete my drawings with the virtual rubber
I took a video3 votes -
Zoom window tools for iPad
May we have ink color and line thickness tools added to the zoom window?
Maybe also while the zoom window is open move the pen, eraser, highlighter shape, and lasso tools to the zoom window toolbar, too. I think this would be a great improvement for User Experience.
44 votes -
Select pen, eraser and undo from top of zoom window
One the zoom window there should be the ability to select the pen colour, eraser and undo without having to select these from the top of the screen
24 votes -
Add more bluetooth Stylus' support
There are so many on the market Bluetooth stylus that could be added to the system like GN 4 had. I run off of an older ipad so I cannot use the apple pencil. Because of this i use the Adonit Pixel which is rated as one of the top aftermarket Bluetooth stylus' in one of your own articles. Apple pencil is not the one and only stylus on the market
9 votes -
More smart stylus option for GoodNotes 5
I am using adoit pixel in GoodNotes 4, but I can’t find this option in GoodNotes 5, hope developers will bring this option back. Thank you.
5 votes -
Can we please get a Windows version?
I have an iphone and ipad and I use goodnotes there and im in love with the app, but would also like the idea to read/edit/write my notes on my pc.. pretty please?
25 votes -
Wacom Fineline 3. Gen. for GoodNotes 5
Due to the fact that apart from my iPad Pro I‘m still working with my iPad Air 2 I would like to see the Wacom Fineline 3. Gen. stylus supported in GoodNotes 5!
12 votes -
Selection Tool Animation
The Selection Tool in GoodNotes 5 isnt that good like in the older Version,... dont know wether it is my fault or what happened.
It works but the animation isnt right, to what i selected before.5 votes -
Synchronisation with other cloud instead of icloud on GoodNotes 5 (like GoodNotes 4)
Synchronisation with other cloud instead of icloud on GoodNotes 5 (like GoodNotes 4)
12 votes -
Searchable photo text
Make text in a photo searchable, for instance taking a picture of a lecture handout or meeting notes and importing it into GoodNotes. It would be nice if the app could register that there is text and make that searchable too like it does for PDFs. Even if it can do that with pictures of handwritten note I think that would be better. That way if you have to take notes on regular paper and want it in your GoodNotes file all you need to do is take a picture instead of transcribing it into GoodNotes to have searchable text.…
16 votes -
Hand writing recording
It is important to record hand written notes and the order the where taken in. For example when writing math notes, you can be working on a problem and write all around it with note or cross something due to elimination process of the problem. When reviewing the notes later on it can easily be confusing when the original problem has been marked up. That’s where stroke recording can come in handy. You can watch your process replay in front of you and see your own problem solving process. This is very important especially for students and STEM field workers
23 votes
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