8877 results found
Page template divided in thirds top/bottom & side/side for placing pics
Page template divided by lines in thirds top/bottom & side/side (9 blocks) for more easily sizing and placing multiple photos
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podéis ampliar la tarjeta de aprendizaje en el MBP M1
como podéis ver es diminuto, en cambio, en el anterior MBP con catalina, el tamaño era pequeño, pero no tanto, que aproveche el tamaño de la pantalla. gracias
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Start Autobackup manually
Dear GoodNotes team, unfortunately I activated the automatic backup function once and only created the PDFs. Re-creating the backup (now with the GoodNotes files) is unfortunately not possible - unfortunately I have a lot of documents and so would have to "touch" each one again to update!? Is there a solution? If not my suggestion would be to be able to start the "Autobackup" manually!
Many thanks
Tom1 vote -
Quick scrolling as in other pdf viewers.
I really miss the feature that many other pdf viewers (and browsers, eg safari) have, where one presses and holds the scrolling button to move it up/down to a desired page.
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automatic inversion of colour
automatic inversion of colour if i have the black background otherwise i ll finish all my toner for every document!!! one note do this...
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Improve highlighter performance
After converting into pdf sometimes highlighter colour become messy
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Export and return Bug
After I export a pdf document to another app and then import another file to GoodNotes, the screen is just dimmed as if it would give me the option to select an import location.
For example, i would export my science homework file to an app. Then, I would import another homework file into GoodNotes while the export option is still open and it goes dim.
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Export and return Bug
After I export a pdf document to another app and then import another file to GoodNotes, the screen is just dimmed as if it would give me the option to select an import location.
For example, i would export my science homework file to an app. Then, I would import another homework file into GoodNotes while the export option is still open and it goes dim.
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Export and return Bug
After I export a pdf document to another app and then import another file to GoodNotes, the screen is just dimmed as if it would give me the option to select an import location.
For example, i would export my science homework file to an app. Then, I would import another homework file into GoodNotes while the export option is still open and it goes dim.
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Export and return Bug
After I export a pdf document to another app and then import another file to GoodNotes, the screen is just dimmed as if it would give me the option to select an import location.
For example, i would export my science homework file to an app. Then, I would import another homework file into GoodNotes while the export option is still open and it goes dim.
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Export and return Bug
After I export a pdf document to another app and then import another file to GoodNotes, the screen is just dimmed as if it would give me the option to select an import location.
For example, i would export my science homework file to an app. Then, I would import another homework file into GoodNotes while the export option is still open and it goes dim.
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Preference toggle to turn off "Pull to add page"
Using a mouse wheel to scroll to the top of a paper, I frequently end up unintentionally adding copies of the first page. I think my record is something like 6 copies before I noticed and deleted them,.
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I think good notes it's awesome, I would like to have the option of more colors.
I love the app I think is perfect
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Allow Google Drive integration to access Shared Drives
It appears the Google Drive current integration is just for "My Drive" and not for Shared team drives. My organization uses shared drives heavily and it would be great to have access to them through GoodNotes. Currently, I have to copy the document from the shared drive to my drive in order to work on it in GoodNotes.
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Reihenfolge der Seiten tauschen
Viele haben das Problem, dass die neuste Seite immer oben ist. Das ist allerdings sehr unpraktisch. Die Seiten manuell zu tauschen, dauert sehr lange bei Notizbüchern mit über 200 Seiten.
Eine Funktion, die die Reihenfolge tauschen würde, sodass die oberste Seite zur Untersten wird, wäre ziemlich hilfreich.1 vote -
Notitzzettel, Linien zum besseren Schreiben, notes
Wenn ich mit dem Apple pen schreibe, bräuchte ich Linien.
Bei GoodNotes musste ich bisher einzeln Linien zeichnen und darauf schreiben, damit ich einigermaßen gerade schreibe.
(in notability gibt es beispielsweise die Funktion Haftnotitzen.
Danke!My handwriting isn’t the best, so what I need is a note paper, where I can write on it.
Notability already got this function...1 vote -
Wenn ich mit dem Apple pen schreibe, bräuchte ich Linien.
(in notability gibt es beispielsweise die Funktion Haftnotitzen.
Danke!1 vote -
Wenn ich mit dem Apple pen schreibe, bräuchte ich Linien.
(in notability gibt es beispielsweise die Funktion Haftnotitzen.
Danke!1 vote -
Haftnotiz Notitzzettel
Ich bin von notability auf GoodNotes umgestiegen und bereue es gar nicht!
Jedoch wäre ein Verbesserungsvorschlag: wenn ich mit dem Apple pen schreibe, bräuchte ich Linien
(in notability gibt es beispielsweise die Funktion Haftnotitzen.
Danke!1 vote -
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?