8830 results found
1 vote
Shortcut configuration of input text
It is very troublesome for me to change my typeface,colour and text size。So I think it is necessary to set three buttons and I can set different text configuration and change it when I press these buttons。
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bug or error
when I types texts with my bluetooth keyboard with turning on assitive touch function (in order to designate functions to my mouse) in IPAD PRO, keyboard appears in the screen while using a bluetooth keyboard. It happens only goodnote 5. any other apps does not. The issue is not with goodnote4. please fix this bug. thank you
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Don’t select laso tool anymore
I’ve been using notesplus and it has the option of drawing a circle instead of going to the toolbar to select the laso/lazo. If there’s no intention of moving the content rounded, it automatically becomes the circle you have drawn.
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Hierarchy of bleeding in the schemes
Allow to create a hierarchy of bleeding in the schematics of documents, as in imported pdfs.
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Function picker
App is almost perfect! Would love the ability to choose which functions appear in the phone version due to the limited real estate... like pen, shape & camera all next to each other... thanks!
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Multiple pages all on ohne page
Sehr geehrtes GoodNotes-Team,
Erstmal ein Riesen großes Dankeschön- mir als Medizinstudentin erleichtert Ihre App auf meinem IpadPro 12.9 (Version 2020) wirklich das Leben !
Eine ganz große Bitte habe ich allerdings an Sie. Es wäre wirklich sehr sehr viel effizienter und übersichtlicher für mich als Nutzerin, wenn es möglich wäre PDF-Dateien so zu importieren, dass mehrere Seiten auf einer Seite zu sehen sind. Wenn ich alles nur als eine Seite in GoodNotes importiere ist das sehr schnell sehr unübersichtlich und außerdem weniger praktisch bezüglich der Zeichentools!
Leider muss ich derzeit jede Vorlesung erst auf meinem Computer mit dem Print-to-PDF-Tool vorbereiten,…1 vote -
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users should be able to customize the page number
The BOOK of PDF version has cover and table of contents, which will lead to the inconsistency between the page number displayed in the software in the bottom right corner and the page number in the book catalog, which will cause great inconvenience to turn the book, so there should be the function of custom page number to customize the first page
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Search function in Trash Bin - this used to be available in v4 but disappeared in v5
Could you please add a search function into the trash area so we can search trashed notebooks - we search using job numbers so this would be very handy in this area as well.
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zoom out function
A way where one could zoom out of the pages, so you could see all of your pages in that file. Like in Word/Pages.
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Simple Shape Mode
Could we have a mode that defaults to simple shapes for the shape tool? My handwriting is terrible... but if I draw something that remotely looks like a rectangle, I want it to be a rectangle, not some other weird shape.
So maybe only allow circles, squares, rectangles, triangles? Something along these lines...
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Exported Documents ADA Compliant
I import PDFs that are ADA compliant; but when they get exported out of Good Notes, they have lost all compatibility. Is there a way to preserve the incoming structure, and to include handwriting recognition to make the documents ADA compliant?
1 voteCould you please add more specifics which capabilities are needed exactly to be ADA compliant? We are not experts in this field. Please note that there are two different PDF data formats you can chose from in the export options. Flattened and Editable. Flattened will preserve the option to search for handwritten notes.
Can I input powerpoint for mac version?
Can I input powerpoint for mac version,i want copy a part of my powerpoint .
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Imported images turn out to have bag quality
The quality of imported images is really really bad! I can‘t read it sometimes or annotate anything because it has so many pixels.
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resize written area in order to be able to write next to it on the empty space
The written area, for example, can be resized (e.g. text field previously over the whole page, afterwards only on the left side). That would make it possible to write or take notes next to the previous text field without having to move the sentence parts individually so that there would be some space to take notes again.
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Unselect selection tool
I love the new option with the eraser where it snaps back to the pen or highlighter tool once you are done with it and I think it would be great to see that with the selection tool too.
Thanks for your consideration.
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Synchronized group work
Make it like Google Docs where it syncs every detail and action immediately.
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?