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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



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286 results found

  1. Currently, importing pdfs is only possible outside of already created notebooks.
    I would, however, like to import it directly into my notebook. Thats only possible for pictures tho

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  2. We can see that the text on the screen has abnormal shadows and cannot be resolved by refreshing.

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    8 votes

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  4. It would good if i could scan Dokument and work on it. In the IOS Version you can do it. Now i have a windows Surface. a classmate has to scan the document with her Apple Pad and send me the PDf on email. I feel really emberassed because i have to ask her if she could send it to me...

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  5. Similar to the tape tool on notability, like the pen tool, you can draw a shape or write words but the written stuff can be clicked to reveal the pdf or page underneath! Very useful for active recall and quizzing, I am sure many others would love a feature like it!

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  6. I need the option to download my notebooks as a PDF to print them out. Also it would be nice to choose which size the paper has. For example DIN A4.

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  7. Almost every time I open a PDF to read and annotate, I forget it defaults to edit mode, and I draw a big line from trying to scroll down the page.

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  8. It failed to open .goodnotes files from my iPad and says "unsupported document". Then I tried loading them in PDF formats but there were bugs when I tried to add a new page in that PDF file. It does not add a new plank page and duplicate the last page instead. Also, all became non-editable on Windows even when I set them as editable PDFs during export.

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  9. I'm writing a #comment with the PDF file. I'm writing a description of "recture",
    #Comment is so good, please revise the content and improve it to copy and paste the content.

    코멘트 기능 삭제 또는 수정. 그리고 작성하면서 복사 및 붙여넣기 이런 기능 허용해주세요.
    Delete or modify the comment function. Also, please allow functions such as copying and pasting while writing.

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  10. I encountered the fact that on early versions of the application my friend could easily share a link for shared access. Now this function is not available, it makes work very difficult. I did not find any analogues of the application, I would like to see good synchronization.

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  11. Other note-taking apps that I prefer for editing and annotating PDF files (Foxit PDF Reader, for example) automatically detect word boundaries, making it very convenient and easy to highlight desired sections of text. This is a must-have for me besides the free hand highlighting feature you already have.

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  12. There is no button to share the document. It's inconvenient because I can't save it as a separate pdf file on an Android tablet .

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  13. Export Annotations Only.
    Highlighted text and Annotation and other linked text to be separately exported into Editable PDF format.

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  14. I think it's important to put PDFs as a whole side into goodnotes

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  15. In Samsung Notes, we are able to split the screen - be it vertically or horizontally - and at various sizes, so that we can look at a pdf or other notes while also working on homework or other coursework. Only Nebo that I know of is also able to do this, but not GoodNotes yet. Or if it can't be done with the Samsung or Chrome options to do so, if this could be done via inside the Goodnotes app - via tabs, that could be beneficial.

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  16. When I try to open a link from my gmail in Good Notes- it never actually opens

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  17. These are my ideas after a quick use of good notes (Lots of desired improvements but great start)
    1) Use a slide as a way to choose the size of the pen/eraser, or at least add 2 more sizes to choose between
    2) Delete comments
    3) Use your fingers to move or resize lassoed notes
    4) Use the keyboard to type notes
    5) Shapes and Coordinate Axes
    6) Ink to Shape and Ink to Math
    7) Look up handwriting to find documents
    8) Insert PDFs, documents, or images to write on
    9) Record audio from class
    10) Better exporting…

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  18. I had use most of the note taking software available in market and I know GoodNotes is currently in beta stage but features like editing image i.e cropping & selecting but there is lot more like copy text feature from directly handwriting as handwriting is converted to text and also something like floating toolbox as windows device have larger screen floating box will help them to continue the flow. I hope you will soon add features like cloud backup and export notes in pdf form and others.
    Thank you!

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  19. Ich fand es richtig cool, dass es endlich GoodNotes für Windows gibt und habe mich sehr gefreut. Für den Anfang ist es ein passabler Start, aber mit viel Luft nach oben, vor allem wenn man GoodNotes schon von Apple Geräten kennt.
    Was ich sehr schade finde und was dringend benötigt wird, ist die Funktion, dass man seine Aufschriebe auch als PDF speichern kann. Das ist vor allem für Studenten wichtig, denn wenn man Aufgabenblätter abgeben muss, muss man diese auch speichern können.
    Außerdem gibt es weder die Funktion, dass es Linien, Kreise und andere Formen erkennt, noch dass man sowas…

    26 votes

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  20. 3 votes

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