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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2275 results found

  1. For shapes i think after you draw a shape you can tap on it without the stylus and be able to change the corners for example on a parallellogram and make it to a trapizoid or stuff like that, to be able to change only one thing about a shape.
    For images sometimes if i take a pic of a board i would like to cut it to specific parts and i don't want the whole image, there isn't an option for that and i think it would be good to implement it.

    16 votes
  2. Current import file size limits it at 100MB. Most my textbooks are around 300MB and some even 700MB. This is simply not useful until size limit increases.

    16 votes
  3. The two items I see need improvement are:

    • Stylus input lag still seems behind the competitors like onenote, penbook, and scrble. I'm using a surface pro 7 with surface pen so I should be a good test subject. While i understand pen lag may never match onenote because Microsoft builds the hardware and software, goodnotes needs to catch up with the others such as penbook.

    • Infinite paper - need this for doing larger diagrams

    • I need text/typing input like onenote. This is the only reason why i stick with onenote as my primary, as i do both handwritten and typed…

    16 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  4. 16 votes
  5. The name explains itself

    16 votes
  6. It would be great if you could move the selection directly to a next page and the selection does not disappear "behind" the next page. This is helpful when you make notes and want to add something afterwards, but the space is not available. This way you can select everything that is below where you want to add something and move the selection down. If the page runs out of space, the content will not be lost, but will be visible on the next page. If there is already content on the next page, it is best to insert a…

    16 votes
  7. I need an app for my android phone too, not just my tablet.

    15 votes
  8. Be able to link stickers or images to another place or page within the same notebook (or even a different notebook if possible!).

    15 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  9. There should be a function if you hold on a comment to edit or delete a previous comment so that if you don't need it to be there anymore you can simply delete it

    15 votes
  10. Please add the cropping option to the Windows Goodnotes. On the IPad you can select an imported image, and then select "crop". A new window appears with the image, and offers the options to crop as a rectangle or freehand. This needs to be available on the Windows version for digital product creators who sell Goodnotes Sticker Sheets.

    15 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  11. why the windows version is so different it does make any sense ! as a student who owns apple and windows products i have to sometimes use one at a time and this difference between both of them makes difficult for the user .

    15 votes
  12. When we draw a shape it should automatically fill the shape with a light shade of the same colour like in IOS version

    15 votes
  13. Would it be possible to have more types of pens and brushes as well as an option where the document colours are saved so we don't have to remember the hex codes of the colours we are using?

    15 votes
  14. Currently, importing pdfs is only possible outside of already created notebooks.
    I would, however, like to import it directly into my notebook. Thats only possible for pictures tho

    15 votes
  15. 15 votes
  16. Add support for Surface pen haptics, similar to what OneNote has.

    15 votes
  17. Improve the writing function for better experience

    15 votes
  18. It would be nice to be able to custom the thickness of the pen and highligher rather than the 3 pre defined thickness already available, just like the ios version. Other interesting customization option is the hability to save custom colors of the writing tools as presets.

    15 votes
  19. In the Windows Web version, there is no option to
    -import documents
    -make outlines and shape templates
    - search and find handwritten text
    unlike in Ipad. Looking forward to next update.

    15 votes
  20. The ability to move pages between notebooks would be great, especially because the beta is limited in how many notebooks one can have. It would also be nice to be able to select and copy/paste notes from one notebook into another.

    15 votes
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