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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9117 results found

  1. hello it would be great if the new colors added by a user do not reset with each update, because it is very tedious to go and enter all the new colors again.

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  2. Please allow to add not only PDF but also images from the Files-sheet by tapping +. When draging-and-dropping in splitview from the Files app adding images to documents as new page works fine, so why don‘t you allow it from inside the app?

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  3. I create a colour-coded key that I add to the top righthand corner of every page in my notebook (coded for priority).

    I manually add this to each new page. It would be great if I could add this to the template so it automatically appears on each new page.

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  4. It always takes so long to press export, select Google Classroom, and wait for the terrible extension to load. It often makes my work turned in late. So I think it will be a great idea to add a feature to export directly or quicker to other apps.

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  5. It always takes so long to press export, select Google Classroom, and wait for the terrible extension to load. It often makes my work turned in late. So I think it will be a great idea to add a feature to export directly or quicker to other apps.

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  6. Make the square background interactive to work with geometric shapes and tools, improve geometric work on the app for geometric notes.
    So you can create shapes and align them with the square background, with straight lines with no problems.

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  7. i am dev and i know its difficult to update apps and tasks users wants .but you can make a store and a section for using plugin for other devs share their plugins and improve your app productivity ,

    for example :
    *note background design
    *new brush
    *pattern recognize like math solver or draw to text other language
    *MindMap Integrate by tony buzan
    *flashcard with notes .

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  8. It would be great to have the option to be able to continue scrolling downward endlessly while writing, instead of having to add a new page constantly.

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  9. Search will find text on a PDF, but NOT in the form fields of that PDF - though the contents of the form fields is displayed. I work with a lot of fillable PDF's and this is a significant deficiency.

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  10. Es wäre ganz fein wenn es ein Feld gäbe was man anklickt und es öffnet ein Unterschriftenfeld wo man geziehlt unterschreiben kann. Gegebenfalls mit zwei optionen, 1= Kundenunterschrift -> wird nicht gespeichert. 2= Unterschrift zum speichern...
    Vielen Dank
    Lg Markus

    It would be very nice if there was a field that you click on and it opens a signature field where you can sign it. If necessary with two options, 1 = customer signature -> is not saved. 2 = signature to save ...
    Thanks a lot
    Lg Markus

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  11. This is not really a feature request, but rather a bug report. When switching pages in a document with the arrow keys on a keyboard, the bookmark icon does not change. It always remains on the state of the first, with touch gestures selected, page.

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  12. It would be great to be able to add the first page of a document to the outline while importing to the current document (example image and functionality attached)

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  13. When the zoom window is first activated, its position on the original page is centered. When the zoom window is again activated, its position is the last position zoom window was located.

    I wonder if it's an improvement to allow the user to choose where the zoom window magnify after tapping on the "zoom window" button. Basically should it be a two-step gesture like this: First tap on the "zoom window" button, then tap the document page where your want the zoom window to magnify.

    The reason for this suggestion is that I usually find myself adjusting the location of…

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  14. Studying organic chemistry is already a pain, not mentioning to draw a perfect hexagon... Can we have shapes presets to help drawing in the app

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  15. “Open documents as new tabs” option is a great tool but i would preferred that instead of all documents being open as new tabs only documents or notes or pages within a Currently open document would open as new tabs so you could toggle within that folder faster while looking at folders within folders. The way it is now it’s a bit cluttered and confusing because you get confused and don’t know where those tabs belong in just by looking at the titles if that makes any sense, thank you.

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  16. when i print lined pages it prints with a white border. i hope there is a way to fix that

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  17. I want to use GoodNotes for
    reading so I need a pointer
    which is not available in full
    Screen view so Please add
    this feature in full view mode also.

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  18. As a neat workaround for the lack of infinitely large docs - give me a (dot) grid that is zoomable. So I zoom in, and instead of loosing orientation because I have to write 4 lines within one element, I want to see a finer grid appear as i zoom in. That helps to put and structure a lot more content on one page. (See figma or others that do this)

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  19. When using „Auto Shape Tool“ it would be helpful to chose between regular full lines and dashed lines.

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  20. Please add hiding function of this section
    We are uncomfortable when writing because the section occupy big space relatively

    i wanna’hiding function’
    thank You for listening my idea

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