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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2273 results found

  1. 紙の書籍を電子化した場合など見開きで表示したいので、見開き表示機能をつくってほしい。

    8 votes
  2. 네모및 도형을 그리고 색상채우기 기능을 안했는데 그안에 그림및 도형을 올가미로 움직이면 같이 움직임

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  3. Maybe let us undo deleted pages instead of purging them from existence? That way anyone who might have deleted a page can recall it back instead of RUINING THE ENTIERTY OF NOTES AND HAVING TO START THE ENTITY OF THE NOTES BEING WORKED ON ALL OVER FROM SCRATCH!!!!!!! I have spent countless hours on these notes I've been working on but now I have to start all over from scratch because I accidentally deleted a page I wasn't supposed to delete which had binding pages which are no longer binded because of a deleted page that wasn't supposed to be…

    6 votes
  4. I'd really like to copy and paste multiple pngs into the sticker saving feature. It take so much time to lasso and add element.

    4 votes
  5. It would be optimal to have AI handwriting features and AI typing features on Android.

    4 votes
  6. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  7. Dear Good Notes Team,
    I love your work. BUT please add the more fonts for the windows version as well as the ability to write with a pen anf the writing to turn into text automatically.
    I would also love other page colors but for now the text only having one font and the writing not turning into text automatically is such a downsinde. Plead pleaee pleeeeease add it to the windows Version!!!

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  8. I hope we get the phone support on the Samsung S24 Ultra soon.

    Could you please let the developers know that we are interested in the Samsung and OnePlus tablet Pen support as
    Apple Pencil Pro, including Palette and Dynamic Ink

    2 votes
  9. Seria muito bom se conseguíssemos colocar linhas numeradas/ ou com aqueles pontinhos automaticamente como se fosse uma lista
    também opção de tipo de letra, como título, subtítulo e texto normal

    2 votes
  10. I speak from my own experience. I utilize Goodnotes on Android, but there are a few functions missing that would be highly beneficial, such as an autozoom feature. This would allow users to simply click on a number, similar to the 300% example in the picture, and then the zoom would increase to 300%. This would be an invaluable addition for writing, which would be the ideal use case. Such a function would not require significant development time, as it would only require a few lines of code.

    2 votes
  11. Sometimes need a switch between offline and online mode, with offline mode all pages should be loaded faster and no need to sync

    3 votes
  12. Whenever I take written notes I like to do roman numbers and create list to subsection material. I notice that on goodnotes it will not automatically create a list if you were to try to create a numbered list or do roman numerals, maybe this can get added?

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  13. On Goodnotes for android/windows, Existing hyperlinks are either removed or disabled from imported pdfs. Please fix this issue as it's very discouraging since it works on Goodnotes for Apple .. I was happy after I bought a Samsung tablet to know I would be able to use Goodnotes sine iPad are a bit pricey..I like Goodnotes but with this issue I can't really use any of my digital planners that I imported

    23 votes
  14. Sinceramente yo hice el pago de la membresía de goodnotes 6 por las tarjetas didácticas que varios de mis compañeros que tienen goodnotes 5 pueden usarlo. Pero en esta versión no viene esa función y creería que la mayoría que usamos esta app somos estudiantes y estamos en ese proceso de aprendizaje y las tarjetas didácticas son una gran herramienta para nuestro proceso

    2 votes
  15. Just to compile the ideas I have seen.
    1. Shapes. Premade shapes, stIcky notes. So far I've been just making my own templates and copy and pasting, but I don't like constantly switching journals to do that.
    2. Ability to recolor what we have wrote with our stylus.
    3. more colors! Hex codes.
    4. Maybe watercolor brushes.
    5. import pictures or screenshots from websites.
    6. Lines automatically straight or have a ruler tool.
    7. More pen size! I love having the ability to vary my pen size.
    8. Hyperlinks to other parts of my motes. for example,I link to section…

    137 votes
  16. Can you include CROP TOOL in Goodnotes Windows, android etc. so we can also utilize digital stickers.

    8 votes
  17. Allow images to be a hyperlink within a document and add the ability to automatically jump like touching a button on a website rather than showing an action button

    3 votes
  18. Goodnotes6 needed urgently with ai samsung features, and option to have one-pay, not subscription-based, as it is on ios

    11 votes
  19. an implementation like Anki to review cards.
    for example extra categorie where a card can be reviewed where the categorie name would be the name of the notebook in which the flashcards are.
    And a RemNote like usability for the flashcards.

    176 votes
  20. Hello,
    I use goodnotes for a lot of math. I like using the whole page for my notes but it’s difficult to get my writing all the way to the edge of the page as when I am at the very right side of the page I cannot scroll past the boundary. This causes me to lift my hand off the screen of the iPad and it’s not comfortable/ergonomic. geometry dash lite

    I’m suggesting the ability to scroll past the boundary of the page so that writing can continue all the way to the edge of the page while the…

    2 votes
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