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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2273 results found

  1. 8 votes
  2. Samsung tablets themselves, and other andriod apps, support handwriting to text with the S-Pen. Goodnotes for iOS already supports the feature, so the functionality/coding for this already exists in the app. A large reason people use Goodnotes is to make notes easier to read and study. Currently, the inability to do this, despite the coding already existing in an app version and it existing on other apps, is crazy.

    If you offer it for iOS, and other andriod apps support it, there isn't a reason to continue to neglect to add it to the iOS app.

    9 votes
  3. Imagine the recording feature but more improved! Continue recording even when the device is in rest mode, but do not earase the recording unless manually paused(this just happened to me in my first day of class).
    Star certain times to go back to it
    The transcript is better upgraded and captures the whole lecture
    Make an option to push a note on the paper to go to the time it was written in the lecture

    2 votes
  4. It would be great to have the option of exporting individual pages of a notebook instead of having to export the whole thing.

    Also, the text tool could have more fonts.

    The app is lagged and the writing is slow.

    8 votes
  5. I’d like to draw a straight line using the tape tool like I did before.

    8 votes
  6. The new update on tape feature is very difficult to use

    8 votes
  7. I would like to have a shortcut action to add pages to a new or existing document.

    2 votes
  8. the ability to change fonts, to convert handwriting into fonts, to add personal photos to folder covers, more pen options and a voice recording feature should be added in short, most of the features in iOS

    27 votes
  9. Upload your file and let ChatGPT 4o
    Make ( multiple choice , true or false , flash cards ) questions for you. So you can practice and perform well in the exam!

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  10. Please I NEED Goodnotes on my Pixel Tablet

    2 votes
  11. Can you add a feature to directly import PPT and work on them just like IOS, instead of converting them to pdf all the time? As a student this upgrade would be really meaningful and important.

    4 votes
  12. Hi, it would be great if you improve the shape tool. Some ideas:
    1. Have preset list shapes to use by dragging with option to add costume shapes.
    2. Shape design - option to change filling style and have borders.
    3. More shapes to be detected automatically including arrows and round lines the isn’t working so good. Maybe with an option to train it to you handwriting.
    4. Option to create flowcharts easily.

    4 votes
  13. Sometimes need a switch between offline and online mode, with offline mode all pages should be loaded faster and no need to sync

    3 votes
  14. Allow images to be a hyperlink within a document and add the ability to automatically jump like touching a button on a website rather than showing an action button

    3 votes
  15. In addition to picture attributes "bring forward / backward" it should be possible to have an attribute "transparent" for objects.

    5 votes
  16. make it compatability whit another Android devices

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
  17. I think it could be a good idea to add a way to save more than one text styling maybe save up to 10 at a time. I know that I use different fonts and different sizes on different areas of my notebook so to be able to name that style and click it post on that page would be great.

    2 votes
  18. pls add bookmarks that shows the table of contents same with apple

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  19. Being able to mark and keep score of items you have taped whether you remembered it correctly or forgot it. Its like keeping track of items in your notes that you remember accurately and also seeing parts where you forgot. Its like a feature for active recalling that you can directly do on your notes with the tape without having to retype it in a flashcard.

    5 votes
  20. ページの外ではペンでも移動可能にしてほしい。

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Admin →
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