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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2273 results found

    1. More than 3 slots for pen and highlighter colours
    2. Ruler feature with accurate measurements
    3. Open two (or possibly more) documents at once
    4. Scribble-to-text
    5. The "tape" feature that covers up writing/text
    6. AI included (while typing, writing, and in study content as a helper)
    7. Being able to crop photos
    8. Fonts and colours available for typing feature
    9. Voice feature
    10. Overall iOS app layout
    11. Fixing the constant lags and slow performance
    12. Faster sync
    13. Shorter loading time
    11 votes
  1. When you disable the Surface Keyboard the Slim Pen has a huge delay, please fix that

    2 votes
  2. There's a Input Delay unlike other Apps whether you use a Stylus or your Finger. I think because it's not a Standalone App so it's a bit slower. Also hold to draw doesn't work with Arrows.

    1 vote
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  3. First suggestion would be to make it a Standalone App. Not based on Chrome. This would make the Application faster and smoother and we might encounter less error messages. Second is making a One Time Purchase Option. Many people tend to do that rather than paying yearly. Or lower the price. It's currently pretty expensive and as of now not really worth it because it lacks some things. Finding Documents when having many is also not easy. Adding a search Feature would be great to find them by their name. And the ability to export several notes at once instead…

    6 votes
  4. During my psychology a-level we have lots of different content to cover within a single topic. Memory consists of 9 topics in which I have made each individual deck per topic. Meaning if I ever wanted to come back to the topic and go over a combination of the different topics together I would need to make a new deck and copy all my flashcards in from the other 9 decks. Which is such a time wasting activity. The app Brainscape already has this in store and I just think this would be a great addition to the app.

    1 vote
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  5. The scroll bar on the right should appear when the mouse cursor is moved to the right edge of the screen. This would help a lot with navigation.

    2 votes
  6. The degree of zooming can be specified directly, for example by typing digits in a field. This would help a lot with navigation.

    2 votes
  7. Please make goodnotes available on samsung phones, the way it's available on iPhone. Especially on the ultra series that has the S-Pen. It was nice to be able to look at my notes from my iPhone after I had wrote them down on my iPad, but was sad when the app can't be downloaded onto the galaxy phones, because sometimes I won't have my iPad, but would want to study/review my notes on the go with my phone.

    5 votes
  8. 3 votes
  9. In the iOS 18 update there will be a feature in the calculator app where you can handwrite math equations and it will automatically generate an answer in your handwriting after an equals sign. It will also edit its answer as you edit the equation. This could be a cool feature to implement into Goodnotes even if it just gives you an answer when you convert an unanswered equation into maths. Addition: adding a math feature where you can type out math equations in the same way you would type math equations into word would be amazing. I also love…

    5 votes
  10. I would love if Goodnotes could implement a feature to neaten handwriting so that the handwriting would be inline, look neat and you could edit, erase and move individual words normally which you cannot do easily when converting handwriting to text.

    2 votes
  11. When I try to save a custom colour in the typing feature or edit a default colour it will revert back to the original colours when I click out of it. Would love if the custom colours would save in the same way they do for the drawing tool. Add on: I would love if you could save a colour pallet of custom colours that would sync across all tools and typing features

    2 votes
  12. in my windows version the laser would've stayed for a second even if I tap again but now it instantly disappear when I tap again, this is a huge problem when writing a quick note
    Thank you

    1 vote
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  13. When I share an IOS notebook, all of my Full Text Typing is missing in the web app - I need to be able to see that as 90% of my IOS notes are created with Full Text Typing

    1 vote
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    1. Hand Tool with Space Bar: It would be great if you could add an option to activate the hand tool by pressing the space bar.

    2. Sticker Scrolling Issue: I’ve noticed that horizontal scrolling for stickers isn’t working. If it could be fixed, that would be awesome! (This is less of a priority for me.)

    3. Shortcut for Laser Tool: Could we get a shortcut for the laser tool? It would be fantastic if users could also customize their own shortcuts.

    4. Text Color Preservation: It would be really helpful if text color could be preserved just like text size.

    5. Zoom with Mouse…

    1 vote
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  14. I think there should be a sizing scale for the pen sizes so you can use the same size consistently

    1 vote
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  15. When I was using buidt-in wrting app in interactive whiteboards, I felt these apps are always so close but I can't write or teach smoothly.

    However, GoodNotes 6 is only compatible with Samsung tablet.

    If there is GoodNotes on some interactive whiteboard such as BenQ, that would be so cool! Thanks!

    1 vote
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  16. The goodnotes app doesn't even show the fonts option to change fonts on windows. You're just stuck with one font the entire time. Big fail and deal breaker.

    4 votes
  17. For example you write an equation, 2x2 =, and if solves and writes the answer for you, 4

    4 votes
  18. i think we should be able to customise fonts and inport our own ones

    4 votes
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