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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2186 results found

  1. Rendre plus fluide l’application surtout pour les zoom il y a énormément de ralentie .

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  2. Masaüstü kullanım için klavye ile not alma imkanı şart bunu kısa eklerseniz çok memnun olurum, teşekkürler...

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  3. Some other drawing softwares (including MS paint) have the option to draw straight lines by holding down shift and either touching the starting stroke point then the finishing point or automatically straightening drawn strokes when finished

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  4. After latest update, the note sync doesn't work between iPad and galaxy

    Even link share from iPad to galaxy doesn't work. It just signs that they are preparing.....

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  5. No meu Galaxy tab a escrita com a spen está dando um atraso considerável

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  6. I would be so useful to have the opportunity to write text with the keybord, because handwriting is sometimes to slow and not very praticial.

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  7. I noticed some blurring of writing when, using my S pen. I Also noticed there was some pixels missing after zooming out.

    When using the button on my S pen to switch between the pen and eraser, the app started to crash.

    A video I have recorded will be attached.

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  8. My Idea for Good Notes

    1. Lasso tool should only change the part that's selected not all the connected lines (give another lasso or something which can do that).

    2. Offline mode will be a better change as most of the windows user don't have constant internet.

    3.Give an option to pan around the document while using it (Pen off tool should be more accessible with a shortcut).

    I like GoodNotes from my first use, and you are doing a great job making it cross platform which will increase the convenience while using GoodNotes.

    Thank You

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  9. It would be nice to have the option to be able to re-size the selected item etc. Example - when you make a shape, Instead of just moving it around, you can resize it, rotate it & make it bigger.

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  10. Add a option for dashed line and shapes and some graphs options like 1D 2D 3D graphs so students like me or some buisnessman like an architact or designer dont need to draw all the complicated shapes and structures by hand and suffer so much

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  11. Add the ability to set a stabilization degree for the handwriting, similar to procreate!

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  12. I uninstalled and then reinstall again the app but nothing. after the last upgrade the app shows only a big white page. HELP

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  13. Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée de la sortie de la version bêta de GoodNotes. L’une des principales raisons, si ce n’est la raison principale, pour laquelle je prévois de passer de OneNote à GoodNotes est la possibilité d’enregistrer l’audio du cours tout en prenant des notes. Je pense que GoodNotes a une longueur d’avance sur OneNote en ce qui concerne cette fonctionnalité. J’espère vraiment que cette option sera disponible avant le début de la rentrée scolaire en septembre 2023.

    De plus, j’aimerais conserver le principe de OneNote qui consiste à avoir une grande page sur laquelle on peut importer…

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  14. Link to edit with Windows and IPad does not work: I can share a document from the IPad so I can see it on the Windows. However, the file is not updated, so if I write something in the document on the Windows, it is not visible on the IPad afterwards. Analogous in the other direction.

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  15. Keep settings even after leaving the web app: it's great that you can set the pen thickness, for example, and also add your own colors. However, these settings are lost every time you close the web app. Since the app is related to the account, is it possible that these settings are saved?

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  16. the highlighter assumes a very strange behavior while moving and zooming the page. I leave a video that explain the problem

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  17. Hello Developper Team!

    I'm so excited for the Goodnotes Apps in Android!
    I think the BETA version lacks a few interesting features.

    The most important one for me is the ability to use the eraser by pressing the button on the S-Pen.

    The lasso tool still lacks a lot of options : change colour, add elements for sticky notes, ...

    I think it would be nice to have the option to use the keyboard for notetaking, to have a sticker library in the menu bar for easy access.

    Finally I think we should have the option to open multiple notebooks…

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  18. When writing with a pencil, the input speed on the screen is slow.

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  19. ตอนที่ลากปากกายังไม่เสถียร เส้นมาช้ากว่าปากกา โดยเหตุการณ์นี้สามารถมองเห็นได้ด้วยตาเปล่า การแชร์ออกยังไม่ดีชื่อไฟล์ที่แชร์ออกไม่เป็นชื่อไฟล์ที่ตั้งไว้

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  20. Having a toolbar that can be moved is great for bigger devices. Prevents accidentally touching buttons and in my case I can use goodnotes as a command center for my family.

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