8877 results found
Bi-directional scrolling data structure
Hello everybody,
I'm new to GoodNotes, great job. Many thanks for this app!
Following is a feature request:
What bothers me is the limitation that you can only create pages in one direction. I have attached a PDF to you. Let's assume I have a notebook with vertical orientation (blue path). But now I would like to be able to add pages on the horizontal axes (green path). The export/print view is secondary for me. The optimal solution would be to branch vertically from the secondary pages again, etc., so that you can build paths if needed.
I am aware…
2 votes -
Linking a recording to a word
As someone who uses GoodNotes for studying Japanese, I would love to be able to attach a recording to a typed or handwritten word with the pronunciation of that word. So when I click it I can hear the correct pronunciation.
I think it would be extremely helpful for those of us using GoodNotes for languages.12 votes -
Group / link PDF pages
I‘m using multiple PDF documents in one notebook with each document having around 30 pages. So let’s say with 5 PDFs I‘d have 150 pages. Sometimes I‘d like to move PDF document B in front of document A. For now I have to rearrange (move) all 30 pages one by one. Many times I mess up the order of the pages, because it‘s just hard to see the content, yet alone the page number, in thumbnail view. Grouping all 30 pages from that PDF document would make them stay together - in the correct order - and I could move…
6 votes -
Support for multiple platform
Wahed here. Please take love from Bangladesh. Currently am using GoodNotes almost regularly for my office and personal works. It's been working really great with my iPad and apple pencil. Kudos for the excellent work and execution :)
However, I really find it annoying when I really need my note's references on a different platform. For example, I took my Credit Card balance calculation on iPad and at Bank, I have my Mac and my Android Phone. But, I have no references with me now. In another occasion, I previously sketched some flow of my office work and later…
20 votes -
Zoom window tools for iPad
May we have ink color and line thickness tools added to the zoom window?
Maybe also while the zoom window is open move the pen, eraser, highlighter shape, and lasso tools to the zoom window toolbar, too. I think this would be a great improvement for User Experience.
44 votes -
2 votes
Options to rotate toolbars to anywhere on page
Should be able to move the toolbars to anywhere on the page
3 votes -
Better interface for Goodnotes 5 - MacOS version
On MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros (etc...) there's a lot more room than on an iPad.
I'm thinking about page thumbnails, about how many pages are shown on a single screen (and how much space rests unutilized on the left and on the right of the note).
Please make the Mac app "Mac friendlier"!1 vote -
It would be great if I can change the order of the icons.
2 votes -
Bug fix: colour hex code
Every colour code shows up as #FFEEFF. The correct hex code should be displayed instead
3 votes -
import document from a url
I want to paste a url and have the rendered html as a document.
Now I have to do it the other way: from safari I can open in GoodNotes (doesn’t work well) or Markup. Then export to goodnotes. This works well but I have to click about 12 buttons along the way, which is frustrating.1 vote -
Sharing on macOS just like Evernote - FROM EVERYWHERE
Please allow sharing to goodnotes. I just bought the new app to support you, but on IOS I can share a webpage as pdf to goodnotes, it's not great but at least something.
On macOS the productivity is broken really.
it doesn't make sense for me to keep Evernote and GoodNotes togetherplease integrate to the OS properly
Also allowing to "clip" webpages in simplified view for later annotation is a MUST in 20196 votes -
Search for all annotated pages in a notebook
Sometimes we import a whole pdf into goodnotes and annotate some of the pages. it would be nice to be able to easily search and extract all the pages that have annotation to serve as a quick reviewer.
17 votes -
Add plain text export.
As a user, I would like to be able to export some or all pages of a notebook to plain text, so that I can process the resulting text further.
Why would you want to convert handwritten notes to plain text?:
- can be more easily manipulated by text editors
- more readable
- easier to share
Existing functionality:
You can already lasso a page, and convert it to plain text. This is great for when you want export only a part of a page. However, converting multiple pages or even an entire notebook to plain text using this feature, will fatigue the…
6 votes -
Holes and squared for A4 -Pages
Please create a squared A4 Page
(with two or 4 holes, where it can be perforated when it´s print out)
(with 41 squares)
, like a real college notebook.This would really facilitate my learning routine!!!
5 votesThanks for the suggestion. We’ve noted your request. For now, you can just scan a paper page or take a photo of the template you need and then add it to your templates library:
A wide variety of shapes and number lines/planes that can be easily drawn
I’m a maths teacher and would like to see a wide variety of shapes that can be easily drawn, than having to draw it line by line. The inclusion of 2D and 3D number planes would also be great.
1 vote -
Add an option for using a specific tool when holding down with one finger and using Apple Pencil.
The App "Flow" has a feature that allows the user to assign a tool to be used if the Apple Pen is used while the user holds a finger down anywhere on the screen. This is very handy to quickly switch to "Lasso Tool", or anything else really. It would be great to have this in GoodNotes too.
4 votes -
Return the “Go To Last Page” action in the overflow (three dot) menu like in GoodNotes 4.
At base, Go to Last requires far less clicks compared to Go to Page. For example,
With Go to Last:
1) Click overflow menu
2) Click Go to LastWithout Go to Last:
1) Click overflow menu
2) Click Go to Page to highlight page numbers (“remember” what the last page number is because the number changes to the current page when clicked)
3) Type first digit (from this point forward one is interfacing with the keyboard)
4) Type second digit...and so on
5) Type EnterSo you can see there are not only more clicks, but there is an…
32 votes -
General animation optimization
Simply make goodnotes snappier when opening folders and files, add little animations — for the selecting tool, for example.
Goodnotes feels a bit “heavier” than Notability on this part, in my opinion
1 vote -
Please consider the option of a bigger (indefinite?) surface under the working sheet - onto which elements/drawings/ scetches can be moved out for later use or rearrangement.
Right now when you move something out and its partly outside the paper and not connected - you won’t get it back in.3 votes
- Don't see your idea?