8602 results found
GN6工具栏越来越臃肿,切换颜色时,笔尖需要横移的距离太远,耽误时间,影响使用体验! 就像“多页签”一样,GN6开发者太过固执:以Notability、Noteshelf为代表的行业内大多数采取的新方案被GN开发者忽视,甚至用户提供的方案也不会快速响应并讨论开发! 比如,尺子,该票数最高的提案于4~5年前提出,至今才满足票选条件! 而用户想要GN6越来越好的愿望几乎不可实现,现有功能纯粹就是草草对标Notability,但功能细节处理远不及Notability,而开发者还嘴硬说“他们认为这样更好”,可用户实际使用场景下,一切并不像开发者所说那样。 对于一个固执、不求进步、贪图短期利益的app及开发者,Goodnotes系列产品已不值得期待! 因为GN6根本没有发挥出AI的更多用途且存在隐性限制:每次AI建议的字数有限,不适合长段落文字,而对此,开发者选择沉默不作回应; 笔划手势无法像Nebo、Notability那样,与文本框、打字机模式联动,彼此之间纯粹靠Apple pencilkit强行支撑。 我想问问开发者,你们开发的产品,自家孩子有用吗?自己有用吗? 通常连续使用多长时间?有没有超过一节课40min ? 高强度随课记笔记、画草图、画逻辑框架、作标注,你能遇到那些不太完善的地方? 如果只是没事写几个字、作作日历规划,Apple备忘录、无边际不香吗? 事实是,更多用户因为纸笔涂改麻烦、笔记强度高,才不得已选择电子笔记本! 而,开发者根本没有认识到Goodnotes在高强度使用场景下常遇到的问题亟需优化!
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Calendar import
I would like to import my apple calendar events into my Goodnotes planner
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Mathematik mit der Tastatur
Ich würde gerne in einem karierten Notizbuch fest von einem Kästchen ins nächste springen können, um wirklich Matheaufgaben mit der Tastatur zu erledigen, da ich Körperbehindert bin und nicht mit dem Stift arbeiten kann. Tue ich dies mit einem Textfeld, sind die Zahlen nie dort wir sie sein sollen und stimmen in ihrer Größe nicht mit den Karos überein. Das ist sehr schade, da die App ansonsten viel bietet. Aber für Mathematik ist es nur auf den Stift ausgelegt. Das geht bei mir nicht!
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Select multiple pages for adding to outlines
It would be great if I could select multiple pages and add to one outline, rather than having to copy and paste the outline title into each page.
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Ruler which matches standard checkered paper of Goodnotes (not cm or inches)
I love the ruler which comes with the latest update.
I use the checkered sheet template in Din A4. Normally one box is 0.5cm long. The template from Goodnotes is a bit bigger. That's good, because I'm a teacher and so the students see a little better via the beamer, because just everything is a little bigger what I write. However, the ruler doesn't fit with it, of course. The students are used to 2 boxes being 1cm. But you offer your ruler only in cm and inch. Would it be possible to also add an option that fits…3 votes -
Chinese typing malfunctions when the input is long
When I was using GoodNotes for macOS and typing with the system default Chinese IME to type a long Chinese sentence, the pinyin input was not replaced by the Chinese characters. Instead they kept staying on the screen after I select the Chinese characters and even repeated themselves.
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How to Rename Audio Clips?
GoodNotes 6 recently added the option to rename audio clips but I can’t figure out (because GN never tells you how) how to do it. I tried long pressing on the audio clip or sliding to either sides but the only option I get is to delete it. Please GN: Whenever a new feature becomes available, add a small splash screen tutorial explaining or showing how to make use of the feature.
Thanks for the reply.
4 votes -
Writing window
Could you please add the feature to scribble/cross out/lasso in the writing/zoom window as well?
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Lined notecards for study sets
I write with my Apple Pencil when doing notecards, and having lines would make them a lot neater. I spend an annoying amount of time adding them myself
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Pen, Add Thickness Slot to Clear
There are basically 3 pen thickness slots, eraser slots, and highlighter thickness slots, so I'd like to have additional thickness slots and eraser slots.
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2 votes
● add a color picker tool, how hard is that?
● add more than three colors to your paper templates (pink, blue, green, purple,...etc) THAT DON'T REQUIRE MORE MONEY of course. Add them like it is a default. Not only (dark grey, yellow and white) it would be perfect if we can make the color chosing the color wheel.● add rulers and a protractor 📏 📐
●add a way of being able to change the entire app appearance (like the color of the bar and the background, and the shape of the folder, like we can make the folder…7 votes -
Blank space on side of page to allow better hand positioning for writing
Hey team, I just wanted to suggest a new little feature that would benefit a lot of people, especially case users.
I personally use a Logitech keyboard case with quite a thick lip around the screen of my iPad.
I write with my right hand, and when getting to the right side, then it’s really uncomfortable and hard to write on the right edge of the page.
My suggestion would be, to allow for the page to be able to be pulled into the screen, away from the edge. I know this wouldn’t be the most effective use of space,…2 votes -
keep inserted image ratio when stretching it
For notes taking in class, I take a lot of pictures of projected screen. Then when inserting those pictures into my notes, GoodNotes will only put them on page with a very limited size. I want to resize those pictures on page, but then the aspect ratio will be changed because I can only stretch them either vertically or horizontally at a time, not both at the same time.
I think GN should add a button at the corner of resizing the picture to keep the original aspect ratio.
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Save multiple text style presets
I use several different text styles in my documents, this includes fonts styles and sizes. While currently I have a notebook and a collection of the fonts & sizes I prefer. I’d love the ability to have multiple text style presets. Most of the time I’m using between 6 and 7 different fonts between my notes (it’s why when I try a new font, I make sure my most recent fonts stay in the recent section), but having the ability to have multiple text box presets would be beneficial.
11 votes -
Please add translate feature it’s already exist in ios so why don’t you support it? it is really important feature, I couldn’t study in your app just because of that, some people study in other languages that they are not fluent in so please we want to read pdf and take notes and everything in the same app it’s really important,also can you support arabic language in search and other things?
16 votes -
Personal Color Folder (Color Storage)
In the current Goodnotes application, it is only possible to assign the colors I want to use right now. But there are times that I want to use different colors according to the subject. For example, I like using [blue, red, green, dark purple] set when I'm taking history notes on the bright paper. But I like using [white, bright yellow, bright blue, bright green] when I'm solving math problems on dark paper. It takes quite a time to change all the colors I have on my screen whenever I'm trying to take notes about different subjects.
So, I propose…
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Cubic function, quartic function graph drawer
In the current Goodnotes application, it is only possible to draw lines or quadratic functions, which makes it hard to draw cubic function graphs or graphs with higher degrees. It would be much better if graphs with degrees over three (preferably cubic function graph and quartic function graph) also got automatically corrected when the user draws them.
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Add numbers to the folder icons
It woud be really useful for my organisation to have numbers as icons in the folder customization. It would generally be useful to have more icons to choose from as there sometimes is no icon that really fits the content of the folder.
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Disable the scratch-out to delete
I teach university math and every time I plot a point on the axis, the axis gets deleted. Often, my writing is deleted when I cross a t. Please allow this feature to be deleted.
2 votes
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