8818 results found
select text and manipulate text on pdf
pdf document i want to select text , look it on the dictionary, and also manipulate text, for example resizing pdf texts
57 votes -
217 votes
Add a text box edit option.
Add an option to easily edit text inserted in a text box, please.
11 votes -
Group elements on a page and lock groups to prevent them from accidental changes
Group elements to one group which will be handled as one element ( e..g.. Move and delete) and possibility to lock groups so that they are prevented from accidential movement
204 votes -
Snap recognized shapes to grid
It would be great if you could snap the end points of lines and corners of polygons to grid points especially when using graph paper. This would only be on when shape recognition was enabled. The grid should be programmable, but should default to the drawn grid on the graph paper.
166 votes -
Expand margins on imported PDFs
I often use GoodNotes to revise documents sent to me or scans for textbooks.
Often I need more space to make notes on the page that I am commenting. It would be great if GoodNotes could grow margins around the imported page giving me plenty of space to write.
210 votes -
Allow page titles + page title search
Like chapter/tic headings - allow page titles and the ability to search notebooks for a particular page title
71 votes -
Add build-in calculator
Would love to have a built-in calculator when studying my notes. I can't open a calculator while in GoodNotes. I can't open two or more apps at the same time with Ipad. It will be of great help. Thanks.
46 votes -
Double-page viewing.
As a professional musician, GoodNotes is almost perfect for viewing and marking up sheet music both during rehearsals and performances! In my circle of friends and colleagues, GoodNotes is really becoming our go-to app! We unanimously agree that the only feature that is missing for viewing sheet music is the ability to view two pages at once (like an open book or in Mac's Preview "double-page viewing"). Is it possible that I'm just not seeing this feature?
741 votesAdminGoodnotes (Moderator, GoodNotes) responded
We’re excited to announce that we have completed this feature. It is now available in the update GoodNotes 5.3 for iPadOS (13.1).
With the update, we added full support for iPadOS’ multiple windows. It lets you do much more than viewing two documents side by side. To read everything you need to know about opening multiple documents, please visit goodnotes.com/ipad-os.
How to open a new window:
You can now open GoodNotes in multiple windows to view two documents side by side, view two pages of the same document in Split View, or pair it with other apps in spaces across your entire system. To open a new window, drag any of the elements listed below to the side of your screen:
- the app icon from the dock
- documents from the library
- folders from the library
- individual pages from the document thumbnail view
- tabs from the… -
Erase with a Gesture while using the Pen Tool
Gestures would erase lines without switching to the Eraser. Allow a variety of gestures: scratch back and forth, make a proof-reader's delete stroke etc. Ideal would be a way to define your own gestures.
This is a feature at least one other (left nameless) drawing app has, and makes writing/drawing really fluid.
40 votes -
Import planner pages with iCal calendar events and notes area that you can write on
I kindof do this by taking screenshots of my calendar and importing into goodnotes, but it would be so much better if the events were automatically updated. Planner pages could be daily or weekly.
Existing planner apps don't allow the handwriting, which makes them not at all like a real planner.
18 votes -
Search for the highlighter
I use highlighter for marking my notes, if it's possible to search the highlighter, that'll be quite helpful for study. Thx!
51 votes -
provide a Custom URL Scheme for iOS developing
I wonder if you can provide a Custom URL Scheme for iOS developing so that we can limit our user open the material only in GoodNotes.
42 votes -
Reduce size of PDF option
Reduce size of PDF option.. I have retina and 1 PDF send is 2 mb!!
Not zip though... Some tablets cannot open
41 votes -
Feature that allows you to insert your pdf with space for your own notes at the side (as in notesanytime)
Feature that allows you to insert your pdf with space for your own notes at the side (as in note anytime)
110 votes -
Could you please include black paper? For stargazing, notes on white papier are very disturbing
Could you include the option to choose black paper (or paper of any color)? For stargazing in the darkness of the night, notes on white papier ruin the dark adaption of the eyes. The ability to use a black background would be beneficial. Thanks!
29 votes -
Improve Indention Handling in Zoom Mode
Assume that I move the zoom box to a position in the middle of the page and start writing. When I hit the end of the line or touch enter, I expect the zoom box to jump to the same horizontal position I moved it to earlier and not to the left end end of the page.
I know this can be handled by setting left indention manually. But having this kind of auto-detect left border would be a welcome addition.Short Version:
After drag of zoom box, set left indention = x position of zoom box29 votes -
Add encryption of data
Add encryption of data. Allow notebooks to be encrypted.
95 votes -
Edit selected text and option to go back to the text box!!!!
I'm a student so sometimes while typing my notes, my professor makes an error or changes something so I can't go back to the text box to edit it. Also, whenever I want to bold one word or sentence, the entire sentence gets bolded. You guys should change this and allow us to only bold, italicize, and underline the words we want. Also, please please PLEASE give us the option to go back to our text box that we were typing in.
10 votes -
Create temporary margins that could be handled easily
Sometimes, I draw a graph on the left-hand side of the paper, and I want to use the blank space on the right to continue writing. But if I write there, I have to move the zoom box myself at every new lines (otherwise, I'll be writing on my graph!). It would be great to be able to set a “temporary left margin” to be more efficient.
The next step would be that the app automatically detect that there is a drawing on the left, and automatically knows not to go completely to the left side of the page while…
44 votes
- Don't see your idea?