8835 results found
A Laserpointer tool would be great for teachers!
Like in Apples Keynote App, when connected to a beamer I have the posibiltiy to make annotations for the current slice. There are different colored pens and a kind of Laserpointer tool (a glowing red dot or so). This is great for demonstrating things, whithout manipulating the current slice.
Same would be great for GoodNotes - as a teacher I use GoodNotes as a Replacement for the traditional board. At the moment I do a workaround by undoing the pencil strokes I made for showing things on the current sheet.
7 votes -
Funktion to Fill Geometric structures.
I Need a Lot of Time to Fill out Geometric structures like Triangels for example. A function to Fill them out or just hatch them. with only one Click Would make it Easy and more productive.
51 votes -
Disable the page turn animation
The new version added the page turn animation, but doesn't give the experience of reading ePub on iBooks.
The animation looks very amateur, and quite annoying when trying to go back and forth for references. Hope add an option to disable this feature, just like what other apps do.
44 votes -
Data synchronization between devices without iCloud
Through log in to a GoodNotes account we should be able to synch data between several devices. (iCloud is sometimes not allowed on company devices). Or allow central data storage (not only backup) at google drive, etc.
31 votes -
Good Notes braucht mehr Stift Typen. Z.B. Kalligraphie.
Ich würde für 3-5 Stift Typen klatt einen Euro zahlen
11 votes -
Template Library sync with iCloud Drive
Including Custom Templates (most important!), and all other changes to the Template Library...
22 votes -
More math options
Would like to have more options regarding math figures.
LectureNotes does this very good (see attached image)
You can create and adjust coordinate systems, grids, dotted patterns, arrows, dotted lines and tables.
233 votes -
Handwriting Recognition Trainer
Handwriting recognition Updates:
Handwriting Recognition Trainer --- I don't have the neatest writing (especially when i'm writing quickly) and a lot of the time words cannot be recognised. The already amazing Handwriting recognition could be improved and more accessible to everyone if you add a function that will allow you to train GoodNote's Handwriting Recognition to pickup your own handwriting.
(e.g. This could be an optional trainer where you write a page of words and you can make recognition corrections that are remembered [similar to abbyy fine reader], OR an on the fly correction option)56 votes -
Try to smoothen the handwriting to be as smooth as Noteshelf App
The writing produced in goodnotes is too choppy and not as smooth as the writing produced in the Noteshelf app. Apart from how good your handwriting is, the resulting curves in each handwriting looks more realistic. Please improve the writings produced in GoodNotes so it results in smoother curves and handwriting.
46 votes -
437 votes
Change paper template for whole notebook
Add an option to change the paper template throughout the whole notebook, so that in the end every page will have the same background with one simple tap.
259 votes -
Line Spacing
Please allow for more options when spacing the distance between paragraph lines. Right now, the lines are spaced at a "double-space" distance.
36 votes -
Provide Mendeley as PDF Source
Would be great to
a) browse my Mendeley.com library
b) work on a selected PDF (highlighting, annotating)
c) store the edited PDF on Mendeley again53 votes -
Enable handwriting to text conversion for entire notebooks without needing to select text from each page.
The handwriting conversion is excellent, but it could do with a couple changes. Having to lasso the text on each page is tedious. Please enable the ability to convert a single page or an entire notebook with a single click. Also give the option to maintain or ignore single end of line breaks. Maintain double line breaks to keep paragraphs.
34 votes -
recognize and search text OCR in pdf or image, handwritten
Ability to recognize typed text and handwritten text in png or pdf when importing documents or handwritten notes in pdf from another application.
259 votes -
Scan photos with enhancement before include to the file
I would like to know if you could add a function to scan the photos that we take like enhancing the image and cropping automatically (detecting the borders), it would be very useful. I use this app to take notes on the slides provided by the professors during the lectures, however sometimes they change some slide and I usually take a photo of the screen and I import it to my file but the quality is not the same if I use an app that scan images.
23 votes -
export select pages
I would like to export and email select pages in my notebook.
78 votes -
Portuguese support
Hi guys. I love this app, But GoodNotes does not support the Portuguese language. Please fix this. Portuguese and Brazilian users would appreciate this care. Please! With the excellent Handwriting Recognition, it is very important.
77 votes -
Add more languages for the awesome new optical character recognition.
Specifically, I'd really like to see Swedish, but I'm sure there are people from all over the place wanting to see support for their language. Cheers!
170 votes -
Adjust zoom window to ANY width and height
There is a maximum magnification with the zoom window - please remove the limitation to simply allow to write as small as the user wants
Remove the fixed proportion of the zoom window because it fixes the line height when performing carriage return
Alternatively use auto advance functionality in regular zoom mode (not the window). Then you don't need the zoom window any more
18 votes
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