8830 results found
Greek language handwriting recognition support
Please add the Greek language handwriting recognition. I use goodnotes 5 for taking notes and i have to say that your application is one of the top. The only issue for me is that there is no support for Greek language.
54 votes -
Please make it for Android too
54 votes -
Please add Greek!
I love the app! And I really want to use it! But I mostly use Greek and I want to use the app for my notes for university please please please add Greek!
54 votes -
ARCHIVE notebooks and/or folders
Hello! As I use GoodNotes more and more to take notes and adnotate documents, I get a large volume of folders and notebooks that are a bit difficult to navigate through.
It would be great to be able to archive old items, so that they do not show up in the document browser and they are compressed or even stored in the cloud only, so that they do not take up additional space.
54 votes -
We use Nextcloud in our company.
I work on 15 - 20 Projekts and they are all available via nextcloud in common folder structure.
I open the working plans on the construction site now in good-notes and do my comments and notes.
What I need is not only a full goodnotes Backup. I want, that the file is stored back to my original folder, so I could save the double structure.
This would be a great invention!
54 votes -
Multiple Default Text Options
Especially with the new GoodNotes 5 for Mac, it would be useful to have 3 different "default" text font/style/size options, similar to how you have three different options for highlight color, thickness, etc.
54 votes -
Hide the navigation bar
The biggest problem I have with the current version is that the navigation bar can not be hided. For older ipads, especially for 9 inch display ones, every bit of screen space counts, and the nav bar really takes too much space. So it would be really nice to allow users hide the nav bar while keep pen tool bar on display, just like hiding the nav bar when the pen tool bar is not open.
54 votes -
Neater Handwriting and More Pen Options
I'd like to see a "smooth handwriting" option. Something that makes my handwriting a little neater. And more pen options
54 votes -
copy & paste of hyperlinks
I'd like to use - import, c&p of - hyperlinks and to click them inside a notebookto open a webpage in safari.
54 votes -
Add continous scroll
To be able to choose between page by page scroll to a continous scroll.
54 votes -
Add the ability to insert a PDF the same way you would a picture. (Resizing, cropping, moving around on page)
I would like to be able to manipulate a PDF in the same way you would a picture. I find that sometimes I want half of a page in my notes but don't want to insert a screen shot as it doesn't look nearly as nice.
54 votes -
Change Nav Color (or Hide)
I’d love to see the nav bar color changed to a more neutral, less distracting color.
You could probably consider this a purist request, but I’ve always found the navy blue navbar to be unappealing and distracting.
I’m not too interested in offering exact solutions, because I trust that good developers will make good decisions regarding UI and implementation.
But if I thought about it for a moment, potential solutions could be:
● Navbar colors that match the journal cover
● Simple user preference w/ preset colors and a custom color swatch option
● The ability to change the navbar…53 votes -
When I rotate an object, I want to be able to rotate it without re-sizing; the two features should be separate.
The rotate, resize objects is currently tied to together, therefore when I just want to rotate an object I can’t unless my hand is really steady otherwise it resizes the object as well - these two functions have to be separate.
53 votes -
Add hyperlinks directly in GoodNotes
Create hyperlinks from within GoodNotes. It would be nice to be able select some text and create a hyperlink that you could paste into, for example, a table of contents or index.
53 votes -
Use of Mardown to format texts
It would be really nice to be able to use/write/paste text that uses the Markdown format as it becomes the norm in most of the other apps. It would make it easier to import/copy text and have it rendered nicely.
53 votes -
Provide Mendeley as PDF Source
Would be great to
a) browse my Mendeley.com library
b) work on a selected PDF (highlighting, annotating)
c) store the edited PDF on Mendeley again53 votes -
have Word Count.
Word Count is important for writers because it lets them keep track of how much they wrote. Thus they can set-up goals and easily measure how much (or little) they have achieved.
Software-wise, to me as someone with no experience in programming - the easiest way would be to take the code that converts the handwriting to text, and somehow instead of converting, it counts the words.52 votes -
Turn Handwriting into Math Font
Use MyScript Math to turn handwriting into Math font.
52 votes -
Integrate with Chrome
I frequently find an article on the internet or a pdf on the internet that I want to download and read in GoodNotes so I can annotate what I'm reading. The process I currently use is that I print the article or pdf as a pdf file that I save in Dropbox. Then I go to Dropbox and open the pdf in GoodNotes.
It would be great to be able to save the document directly into GoodNotes from my browser (which is Chrome) instead of constantly having to go through Dropbox.
52 votes -
Please add Hebrew support to the application's user interface.
51 votes
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