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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8814 results found

  1. When an Image is selected you get 8 handles to resize the image. The handles at the 4 corners resize the Image keeping the aspect ratio. That is expected behavior. But the handles at the edges should resize the width or the height of an image.
    It is currently not possible to insert a white image and resize it to mask a part of a page (classroom).

    131 votes
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  2. I would like the ability to "lock" a finished set of notes. I inevitably end up putting scratch marks across my pages as I am flipping through pages when I review my notes.

    Along the same lines, a quick toolbar button that would enable/disable gestures on the fly would stop the page bounce when I get into writing frenzy mode..

    76 votes
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  3. While taking notes in meetings I find that tasks end up getting embedded in my notes.

    Without having to switch to another task management app it would be convenient to be able to create a task on the fly and have it inserted into the page where I'm taking the notes.

    Then, please allow me to view/manage tasks across the entire notebook, the entire folder or my entire GoodNotes installation.

    For starters, all I would ask for would be the ability to check a task when it's completed and view/sort tasks by notebook / folder / all GoodNotes, checked/unchecked/either, toggle…

    119 votes
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  4. As a teacher i use the app as an interactive whiteboard with a beamer and Apple TV (Airplay). This offers me a very good and cheap smartboard (interactive whiteboard) The app is almost perfect, but i am missing a simple pointer and a curtain to hide solutions from the pupils, when we are filling out a task sheet together.
    Also nice was a feature to record a lesson, like in doceri or have a timeline.

    75 votes
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  5. If you create the typing text feature, something that would be useful is syntax highlighting for popular programming languages. I use this app to take notes in all my classes except Computer Science. I would love to be able to write, type, and draw, and this app is the best possibility to do all of the above. Additionally, ability to export code snippets from notes as separate files, with a chosen extension (.c/.cc, etc). This isn't a widely sought feature and would take a lot of time and work, but just putting it out there for CS students.

    64 votes
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  6. My language is arabic, we start writing from right side goes to the left
    The writing continuously is a great technique but it just good for whom is writing from left to right

    97 votes
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  7. Sometimes, I draw a graph on the left-hand side of the paper, and I want to use the blank space on the right to continue writing. But if I write there, I have to move the zoom box myself at every new lines (otherwise, I'll be writing on my graph!). It would be great to be able to set a “temporary left margin” to be more efficient.

    The next step would be that the app automatically detect that there is a drawing on the left, and automatically knows not to go completely to the left side of the page while…

    44 votes
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  8. Add a smart eraser that can erase only certain colours or just highlights

    48 votes
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  9. Add a built-in web browser to clip images or content directly into the app. Great for research and note taking.

    88 votes
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  10. When you change the orientation of your iPad to landscape, the GoodNotes pages (blank template, ruled template, graph paper template, etc) turn to match the landscape orientation. Not the imported documents such as PDF, docx, ppt, etc. Just the GoodNotes papers need to have a landscape mode

    79 votes
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  11. Is it possible to add the feature wheren one would be able to copy a part of the text from a notebook and paste it in another notebook.

    8 votes
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  12. Using a zoom box most of the time, I often found that both the tool bars---background toolbar and the zoom box toolbar--- can stay together, so the stylus doesn't have to jump up and down for toolbar options.

    hope to suggest that the entire background toolbar gets lower -so becomes a zoombox tool bar--as the zoombox opens.

    Gnotes admirer in Korea

    13 votes
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  13. Assume that I move the zoom box to a position in the middle of the page and start writing. When I hit the end of the line or touch enter, I expect the zoom box to jump to the same horizontal position I moved it to earlier and not to the left end end of the page.
    I know this can be handled by setting left indention manually. But having this kind of auto-detect left border would be a welcome addition.

    Short Version:
    After drag of zoom box, set left indention = x position of zoom box

    29 votes
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  14. Could you include the option to choose black paper (or paper of any color)? For stargazing in the darkness of the night, notes on white papier ruin the dark adaption of the eyes. The ability to use a black background would be beneficial. Thanks!

    29 votes
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  15. Add support for Microsoft documents / open office documents / Mac iWork's documents

    89 votes
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  16. To increase or decrease the size of images, they lose a lot of quality. Should improve that.

    79 votes
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  17. It would be great to be able to use predefined and custom graphic stamps to annotate a document. I'm thinking 'Rejected!' or "Approved'

    62 votes
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  18. Text box positions and fonts should be aligned such that the multi-line typed text will be aligned with the current template's horizontal bars. This alignment should be the default initial behavior whenever a new text box is created.

    72 votes
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  19. I kindof do this by taking screenshots of my calendar and importing into goodnotes, but it would be so much better if the events were automatically updated. Planner pages could be daily or weekly.

    Existing planner apps don't allow the handwriting, which makes them not at all like a real planner.

    18 votes
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  20. It would be handy in order to make powerpoint type notebooks using screenshots if I could select multiple at the same time.

    74 votes
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