8814 results found
Create simple hyperlink to other notebooks within a notebook.
248 votes -
Add support for multi-page templates
I sometimes create PDFs that I then fill in with Goodnotes. Having support for importing PDFs with multiple pages as templates would be very useful.
33 votes -
Add encryption of data
Add encryption of data. Allow notebooks to be encrypted.
95 votes -
It would be great to search documents in the way Mac spotlight does.
22 votes -
118 votes
ePub files
Should better and helpful if you can optimize to use ePub files
201 votes -
Pop up note! Please please add this feature, if good notes had this feature it would be the absolute perfect app!
This is the only feature that makes Good Reader superior to Good Notes. The ability to have a pop up note allows you to write more things without cluttering up the page. If this was added there would be no need to use another app. Please please!
27 votes -
Search for the highlighter
I use highlighter for marking my notes, if it's possible to search the highlighter, that'll be quite helpful for study. Thx!
51 votes -
ipad air
do you have a plan for add voice recording?
are you support left to right language like arabik and persian?
thanks alot6 votes -
Add build-in calculator
Would love to have a built-in calculator when studying my notes. I can't open a calculator while in GoodNotes. I can't open two or more apps at the same time with Ipad. It will be of great help. Thanks.
46 votes -
191 votes
provide a Custom URL Scheme for iOS developing
I wonder if you can provide a Custom URL Scheme for iOS developing so that we can limit our user open the material only in GoodNotes.
42 votes -
Erase with a Gesture while using the Pen Tool
Gestures would erase lines without switching to the Eraser. Allow a variety of gestures: scratch back and forth, make a proof-reader's delete stroke etc. Ideal would be a way to define your own gestures.
This is a feature at least one other (left nameless) drawing app has, and makes writing/drawing really fluid.
40 votes -
Add/modify touch gestures for undo and redo something
I would like to have an fast way to undo or redo something without aiming for the small buttons all the time. Maybe it is possible to implement a two-finger-swipe area to cover this function. Even if it would be only active during the editing in the zoomed window mode this would be increase the workflow.
74 votes -
Expandable folder/file list
If there was one thing I could change or add to it would be the library view, I don't particularily like the virtual bookshelf that so many apps use. I'd much prefer a simple expandable folder/file list, ideally sortable on file name and revision date.
100 votes -
Reduce size of PDF option
Reduce size of PDF option.. I have retina and 1 PDF send is 2 mb!!
Not zip though... Some tablets cannot open
41 votes -
Add shortcuts for "Page Width" to fit the page to the screen width
Can w add a shortcuts for "Page Width" (just like what we have in Microsoft Word) to zoom the page so that the width of the page match the width of the screen?
This is very useful when you want switch the iPad Mini to landscape view (to have bigger text size or get bigger keyboard to type faster).
This is also useful when you want to switch back to a page width zoom level after you zoom it for some purpose.
100 votes -
Add rectangular selection tool
This would ease moving large piece of notes up to page boarders without missing some little part
15 votes -
Add more colors and pencil widths to the handwriting zoom window for quick change
I'd like to be able to quickly change more than the three standard colors (black, red, blue) and also pencil widths in the handwriting zoom window.
12 votes -
Knowledge management capabilities
I am working with lots of pdfs and it's really fun to read an annotate them with GoodNotes. However, I'd like to use keywords and attach them everywhere in my notes (pdfs). Thereafter, I'd would link all keywords for all notes in one or more mindmaps. The, I should be able to access all occurences of a keyword (in all notes resp. pdfs) from my mindmaps. But, it need not to be mind maps. Structured listes (with subitems, subsubitems, and so on) could be a much simpler way to implement the structuring of keywords.
Crucial in any way would be…
125 votes
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