9117 results found
Disputing a DoorDash for deactivation
I work for DoorDash and make a salary enough to pay my bills and feed my family. This is my full time job. Checkr had did a background check on me and they reported me guilty on a charge that I am not guilty of. They reported me guilty of Reckless Driving, and because of that I am no longer able to work for DoorDash until they fix the report, which could take up to 30 days. The case they reported is an incident where I got pulled over In Virginia and the cop had tried to charge me with…
1 vote -
Keyboard mode
add the ability to change size, color and font to text in keyboard mode
6 votes -
Dashed lines
It would be so useful to add the dashed line tool for writing and geometric mode!
For mathematic, physics and scientific note it is essential having a tool like this!
Thanks5 votes -
Ruler improvement
Wonderful to now have a ruler... but please make it a changeable scale ruler. This is critical for architects and designers and will be life-changing in the app.
21 votes -
I think that there should be a free binder template and free kawaii stickers!
I think that there should be a free binder template and free kawaii stickers!
1 vote -
Widget for daily planner
it would be amazing to have a widget that shows the daily tasks and fastens up the opening of the palnner
3 votes -
pencil/pen stabilizer
add a stabilizer like on procreate so handwriting would look more neat and less shaky. useful for people with bad handwriting or disabilities.
12 votes -
Dual Window View Bug
When using 2 windows on IPad, Goodnotes automatically opens up the audio file box even when there is no audio recording on the file and is hard to get rid of when pen interface is on bottom of screen. When it happens I am unable to select other pens, eraser, anything.
1 vote -
PDF page numbering in outline
Documents show the total number of pages instead of the page number in the book. It would be nice if the page numbers on Goodnotes corresponded to the page numbers in the book itself. (skipping the contents and earlier pages)
3 votes -
Get it to Android for god's sake. Lazy developers
1 vote -
Colour selection for notebooks
Would be great if you could change the colour for the notebooks too. You can colour the folders and the learning sets, but not for the notebooks in folders.
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Invert color
Tool to invert the colours of an image
2 votes -
Audio Transcrips
Notability has a feature that creates transcripts from audio recordings and syncs the written notes with the transcript. I believe this feature would be incredibly useful and make Goodnotes more competitive with Notability. PLEASE make this a feature in an upcoming update!!!
10 votes -
Follow edits being made when listening to audio recording
Being able to show where edits are being made, like in the corner it says the page number of where you were writing at that moment in the audio reocording, would be helpful
2 votes -
由此可见,一群不使用电子笔记本的人说着某某功能对用户有用,是多么荒唐的一件事!1 vote -
GN6工具栏越来越臃肿,切换颜色时,笔尖需要横移的距离太远,耽误时间,影响使用体验! 就像“多页签”一样,GN6开发者太过固执:以Notability、Noteshelf为代表的行业内大多数采取的新方案被GN开发者忽视,甚至用户提供的方案也不会快速响应并讨论开发! 比如,尺子,该票数最高的提案于4~5年前提出,至今才满足票选条件! 而用户想要GN6越来越好的愿望几乎不可实现,现有功能纯粹就是草草对标Notability,但功能细节处理远不及Notability,而开发者还嘴硬说“他们认为这样更好”,可用户实际使用场景下,一切并不像开发者所说那样。 对于一个固执、不求进步、贪图短期利益的app及开发者,Goodnotes系列产品已不值得期待! 因为GN6根本没有发挥出AI的更多用途且存在隐性限制:每次AI建议的字数有限,不适合长段落文字,而对此,开发者选择沉默不作回应; 笔划手势无法像Nebo、Notability那样,与文本框、打字机模式联动,彼此之间纯粹靠Apple pencilkit强行支撑。 我想问问开发者,你们开发的产品,自家孩子有用吗?自己有用吗? 通常连续使用多长时间?有没有超过一节课40min ? 高强度随课记笔记、画草图、画逻辑框架、作标注,你能遇到那些不太完善的地方? 如果只是没事写几个字、作作日历规划,Apple备忘录、无边际不香吗? 事实是,更多用户因为纸笔涂改麻烦、笔记强度高,才不得已选择电子笔记本! 而,开发者根本没有认识到Goodnotes在高强度使用场景下常遇到的问题亟需优化!
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Calendar import
I would like to import my apple calendar events into my Goodnotes planner
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Mathematik mit der Tastatur
Ich würde gerne in einem karierten Notizbuch fest von einem Kästchen ins nächste springen können, um wirklich Matheaufgaben mit der Tastatur zu erledigen, da ich Körperbehindert bin und nicht mit dem Stift arbeiten kann. Tue ich dies mit einem Textfeld, sind die Zahlen nie dort wir sie sein sollen und stimmen in ihrer Größe nicht mit den Karos überein. Das ist sehr schade, da die App ansonsten viel bietet. Aber für Mathematik ist es nur auf den Stift ausgelegt. Das geht bei mir nicht!
1 vote -
Select multiple pages for adding to outlines
It would be great if I could select multiple pages and add to one outline, rather than having to copy and paste the outline title into each page.
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Ruler which matches standard checkered paper of Goodnotes (not cm or inches)
I love the ruler which comes with the latest update.
I use the checkered sheet template in Din A4. Normally one box is 0.5cm long. The template from Goodnotes is a bit bigger. That's good, because I'm a teacher and so the students see a little better via the beamer, because just everything is a little bigger what I write. However, the ruler doesn't fit with it, of course. The students are used to 2 boxes being 1cm. But you offer your ruler only in cm and inch. Would it be possible to also add an option that fits…4 votes
- Don't see your idea?