Full screen mode
The GUI has a lot of "lost space" - especially in landscape mode. Would be great to have the full screen for a sheet of paper with a rearrangeable toolbar. Would be extremely helpful for iPads with 9.7 or the upcoming 10.5".
Jan Marten Locher commented
PS: why not a least a White toolbar when in editing mode.. ALL THIS BLUE, there..:-/!
Jan Marten Locher commented
Fullscreen mode should also be available when WRITING / sketching not just in "protected mode"
Jan Marten Locher commented
YES!!! The blue toolbar is absolutely UGLY!
Yasin Mert commented
Having the option of not seeing anything but the page when writing/drawing would be sooo nice. You could make it so that if a person would be to double tap the apple pencil, the toolbar could be shown again. You dont have to implement a whole new layout, just give us the option
idk yet commented
Comparing them to other noting applications it seems like an excessive usage of the space we have on the screen. There should most definitely be an option to allow full screen or at least minimize the toolbar while writing on an iPad. The current full screen option is an only read mode and isn’t as helpful because most of my work consists of writing and typing. Really looking forward to a next update. Thanks.
Anthony Nguyen commented
Yes please give a full screen mode. Especially important for smaller tablets such as the Ipad Mini. So much space wasted on left and right sides of documents. When zooming in to fit page width to screen, it's frustrating because when scrolling up/down the document accidentally moves left and right due to excess margins on left and right sides.
Bri Bo commented
There is an option it’s just hard to figure out. Tap the pencil icon in the top right corner and then press the screen once and the tool bar goes away and the screen is now in full screen mode
Temp commented
Please make this easy improvement a thing. Without it makes writing on PPT slides more annoying than it needs to be
Tim S commented
Full Screen Option should be there, at the very base of any Notes App, think of a blank piece of paper
mahesh ghuge commented
Full screen mode will be best..
mahesh ghuge commented
Yes, there should be option for full screen mode.
Hasmik Kostandyan commented
It is impossible to work without full screen
Please add it -
pdf pdf commented
I agree !!!
Huihang Liu commented
About 1/6 screen is wasted without hiding the head-bar.
I hope it could be a new feature to get into the full screen mode. -
Coding Dragon commented
YES! Full screen would be better
Chuong Nguyen commented
Any self-respect developer would have implemented this feature in version 0.1.
zi yuan commented
why not hide the toolbar and activate the pen-only mode? The toolbar is Useless if you want to write in one colour.
It's fab to have a feeling of writing on a piece of sheet. -
David commented
This would be specially useful for ipad minis. Screen state is limited here, and the ability to show hide the toolbars, maybe swipe down from the top to display them would be great.
soo commented
This shouldn't be too hard to implement. Why has it not been considered for the last four years??
Jeethanand commented
Yes. Please add a full screen feature and a movable /hide-able tool bar. It’s a must have for 11 inch iPads