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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9116 results found

  1. In my iPhone 8, a button to close the font menu is covered with a status icons on top of my iPhone, and it is incapable.
    I'm sorry just to use it with a very convenient app.
    Could you correct it?

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  2. 1 vote
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  3. Ich habe 4 Applegeräte, iMac, 2 IPads und ein IPhone. Wenn ich Lernkarten auf meinem iMac erstelle, sehe ich sie auch auf den anderen Geräten. Das ist o. K.
    Aber: Wenn ich auf einem der Geräte angefangen habe zu lernen, kann ich nicht auf einem anderen weitermachen.
    Beispiel: Ich trainiere zu Hause auf dem Mac, möchte aber unterwegs auf dem iPhone weitermachen - aber das geht leider nicht.
    Kompatibilität ist mein Vorschlag.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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  4. Sometimes when I read and take notes on lecture PowerPoint pdf on GoodNotes, I feel like the pages display are too big (I used an iPad Pro) esp when the content on the slides is not very compact. So I wonder if it’s possible to set how the pdf to be displayed, like for horizontal it can be set to 2x2, 3x2. Or for vertical, it can be set to 2x4, 2x6, or even 3x4 etc instead? To be able to view more pages at a glimpse like the outlines and also able to actually read the content would be…

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  5. Sometimes when I read and take notes on lecture PowerPoint pdf on GoodNotes, I feel like the pages display are too big (I used an iPad Pro) esp when the content on the slides is not very compact. So I wonder if it’s possible to set how the pdf to be displayed, like for horizontal it can be set to 2x2, 3x2. Or for vertical, it can be set to 2x4, 2x6, or even 3x4 etc instead? To be able to view more pages at a glimpse like the outlines and also able to actually read the content would be…

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  6. Hello. thank you for developing Goodnotes app.
    I used to use the Goodnote 4. because I broke down my ipad.
    I didn't get update news. so I feel sad.

    could you give me a chance for update? Please

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  7. It woud be very helpful to have the opportunity to use your fingers navigate in more ways. A) For instants, use (starting from full page) 'zoom-out' with 2 or 3 finger to get to overview like the 4-square-icon does, with-out opening a new overlay windows. B) use 2 or 3 fingers to swipe faster through pages in a way the pages will move from the stack of pages.

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  8. Create Mindmaps directly from files (see functionality of MindMargin3)

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  9. 1 vote
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  10. Hello!

    I am teacher in a german elementary school and I am using my Ipad and GoodNotes at the digital Whiteboard. I really love it. Thanks! But I am really missing some features. I usually make a picture of my worksheets. It would be perfect, if there is a scan-help, that the worksheets look better (light, zoom, cut, distort...). The other thing is, that I need more papers like math-paper with edges, or lines for elementary school.

    I hope you like the ideas.


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  11. Hello, when working with your APP I like to use the option to write in the focused field (on the very very left) If I now leave the focused field open but change the pages it will jump me back to the original page I was writing on. So as I´m writing in there I like to view a different page for informations but will be jumped back if I note it in the frame, as it begins to jump down on the next line. I hope its understandable, it´ll be easier to explain in German. Please leave me a…

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  12. Ich verwende Goodnotes zum Aufmaß von Baustellen
    Hier muss ich Maßpfeile mit Bemassung einzeichen.
    Es wäre toll wenn man Maßpfeile mit Maßbeschriftung ähnlich wie bei My Measures einfügen könnte.
    Eine Anbindung zur automatischen Übernahme der Messung von einem Bluetooth fähigen Lasermessgerät zb Leica Disto wäre noch die Draufgabe

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  13. Goodnotes already has the option to export as image, adding this as an option to auto backup is a great way to cut down the file sizes that can reach hundreds of megabytes for the people who use the auto backup as a notes viewer when using their PC.
    This reduction in file size in my opinion is worth the loss of text search within the document

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  14. It would be very convenient to have a pencil that just exist to write down headlines. I often use one strength of the three options just for headlines so one could expand functionality by implementing more features to this and specify one pen(strength) just to headlines. One feature suggestion might be to automatically add a page on which a headline was written to the outline. The headline itself can then be used as the outline entry's description by using the handwriting recognition software.

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  15. In order to increase data security, I make local backups of my notes every two weeks. As of now, I backup all the notes as I do not know which one I have altered since the last backup. If there is a way to view all my notes at one place, sorted based on latest modified, with also the date of last modification, I can only backup the notes that I have altered since the last backup, hence saving me space and data.

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  16. I often import large PDF documents containing text where I need to annotate similar concepts with an annotation. The idea is to be able to quickly access these annotations on each page I am reading.

    Currently I have to cut and paste several of these annotations from sheet to sheet, then use the lasso tool to add them to the text I am reading. This would provide a very valuable research tool and method of abstracting concepts into pictures (cartoons or annotations) to help me summarize the information or concept from several sources.

    The idea could be expanded to provide…

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  17. Ich fände es toll, wenn man Verweise zwischen Dokumenten erstellen könnte und so mit einem Klick auf ein bestimmtes Wort direkt zum gesuchten Dokument geleitet wird.

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  18. 1 vote
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  19. It would help a lot, if it was possible to add pages to a PDF not only above or below the actual page (and as last) but also to add a new page on the right hand side. It would improve the possibilities to take notes on context and it makes it easier to read.

    Thank you very much!

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