2279 results found
Ability to see and come back to previous versions of your documents, in case data is lost or there is a bug.
1 vote -
3 votes
make the windows app a native one
the current one performs HORRIBLY. why? because it's literally just a web app! i can't believe anyone in the team thought this was a good idea. remember, only because making a web app is easier doesn't mean that it's better.
WinAppSDK offers so many benefits over a web app. efficiency and performance for example. stop trying to add more features instead of improving the actual app. using new features is a horrible experience when the app is literally not fun to use in any way.
9 votes -
Book ranking
Könnten Sie eine Vorlage machen, wo man das gelese Buch bewerten und beschreiben kann, was im Buch vorkommt.
So ähnlich wie in der Vorlage unten.
Folgendes sollte vorhanden sein: Titel, Autor, Bewertung, Spice Skala, Hauptcharakter, Moodboard, Lesedauer
Am Anfang vom Dokument sollte man auch alles Bücher auflisten können, die man schon gelesen hat.
1 vote -
blending out tools
It would be great to blend out the tools and everything else as a future or tool. So I have a better sight on the notes.
1 vote -
tool to lighten color
I wood like a tool like the highlighter. But instead of getting darker by overlapping I wood like to choose between getting darker or bright. More like reversing dark spots but also with different colors
1 vote -
Other Payment Methods like Paypal or Google Pay would be appreciated
In my country it is not really common to have a credit card. For Apps paying with Paypal or Google and Apple Pay is much more common than by card. It would be cool if you add Paypal at least :)
1 vote -
export as image
Export single pages into png or pdf. Not all pages.
Export single pages into .goodnotes file. Not all pages.
2nd half 2024 would be nice for it5 votes -
why goodnote are not same as ios version for samsung tablets
why goodnote are not same as ios version for samsung tablets
2 votes -
how to shift one note to another in goodnotes on samsung tablet
how to shift one note to another in goodnotes on samsung tablet
1 vote -
Studysets on Android
Please make the Studysets option available on Android.
3 votes -
Be able to close the pages view on side
the pages on the side so you can select which page you would like to view often gets in the way and if you ever so slightly touch it , it sometimes goes to that page which is really annoying so it would be good to be
able to close that1 vote -
undo deleted Pages
Maybe let us undo deleted pages instead of purging them from existence? That way anyone who might have deleted a page can recall it back instead of RUINING THE ENTIERTY OF NOTES AND HAVING TO START THE ENTITY OF THE NOTES BEING WORKED ON ALL OVER FROM SCRATCH!!!!!!! I have spent countless hours on these notes I've been working on but now I have to start all over from scratch because I accidentally deleted a page I wasn't supposed to delete which had binding pages which are no longer binded because of a deleted page that wasn't supposed to be…
6 votes -
Please, don't make Goodnotes a web app in android instead an apk
I am really sad that the Goodnotes for android is indeed a web app, please change this immediately🫶🏻
2 votes -
Headers, footers and page numbering
Being able to put numbers on pages as well as headers, footers or watermarks. At least when exporting the document to PDF.
3 votes -
Import webpages like ReMarkable 2
With the ReMarkable 2 I was able to be on a webpage and click the print and in the print destination dropdown, one option was 'read on ReMarkable'. It would then save the pdf version and put it in the main folder. Simple and easy. I still cannot find a way to do something like that in GoodNotes for Windows.
2 votes -
lines and squares for writing and removing afterwarts
I want lined paper so your writing is linear,but I want them to be removeable after, so it's a white sheet with straight writing on it.
1 vote -
5 votes
Gliederung in Windows hinzufügen
Ich würde mir wünschen das ich in der Windows App die Gliederung sehen kann, so dass ich sie als Inhaltsverzeichnis verwenden kann. Außerdem würde ich mir wünschen das ich die Gliederung in der Windows App bearbeiten kann. Es nervt mich das ich mir einen Mac zulegen muss um meinen GoodNotes Notizen im vollen Umfang bearbeiten zu können wie auf dem iPad.
1 vote -
Ability to change the topbar and tab colour to dark, light or any other colour the user chooses.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?