8814 results found
34 votes
Allow more options in zoom tool bar
We should be able to add more things to the zoom tool bar such as the eraser, highlighter, and other pen colors
141 votes -
Please add a function to export ONLY the annotated pages in a PDF, not just Current Page or the entire PDF.
Please add a function to export ONLY the annotated pages in a PDF, not just Current Page or the entire PDF.
16 votes -
Wenn man vom markieren ins schreiben übergeht, soll das Lineal Werkzeug deaktiviert werden, da man es sonst immer selber deaktivieren muss.
Darüberhinaus wäre es hilfreich, ein duales System zu entwickeln, sodass man bei Bedarf die vorherige Seite klein oben im Eck hat, sodass man nicht immer zurückblättern muss, um die Aufgabenstellung zu lesen.30 votes -
Ability to create custom saveable drawings/shapes
It would be nice if I could reuse certain drawings/shapes that I've previously drawn, for example saving a certain graph setup (e.g. having axis labelled with distance vs. time) and then be able to choose from my saved shape menu and input it into the document I am working on now.
37 votes -
Zoom box: control zoom magnification size
I'd like to write smaller sized letters in the zoom box, it's more efficient and quicker, especially with a stylus. But if I do, the letters show up too small on the actual notebook page.
20 votes -
Add a "night-time" mode/theme
I like the new iOS 7 theme in GoodNotes 4, but it has WAY too much glaring white space in the "bookshelf" view and in the menu bars. This is fine during the day for most people, but during night or in a dark room it can cause eye strain which inhibits productivity. For people like me with sensitive eyes, it'd be wonderful to have a "dark/night" theme that could be toggled on or off or even automatically activated based on ambient light. The music app "Ecoute" has a perfect example of this functionality. For me, this is the missing…
35 votes -
Add an additional color option
Like a multi color pen with 4 slots. Add a 4th slot to the color options, so we can have the standard black and 3 other colors, or any 4 colors we want.
30 votes -
bezier curves
bezier curves are easy to implement and would be great to quickly draw some graphs and curves. I am an engineering student and I have to draw lots of diagramms, a bezier curve option would be handy.
33 votes -
add Speak selected text
Sometimes it's great having read something to you. So you can lean back and enjoy your cup of coffee.
37 votes -
217 votes
Group elements on a page and lock groups to prevent them from accidental changes
Group elements to one group which will be handled as one element ( e..g.. Move and delete) and possibility to lock groups so that they are prevented from accidential movement
204 votes -
Expand margins on imported PDFs
I often use GoodNotes to revise documents sent to me or scans for textbooks.
Often I need more space to make notes on the page that I am commenting. It would be great if GoodNotes could grow margins around the imported page giving me plenty of space to write.
210 votes -
to sync with OwnCloud
Beside the Dropbox sync an OwnCloud would be cool. It gives more flexibility in using GoodNotes.
Dirk40 votes -
Please put the zoom window on the bottom when toolbar is set to bottom or put the whole tool bar on the zoom window
I like the toolbar at the bottom because it's easier to change between pen, eraser and highlighter like that. But, when the toolbar is set to bottom, the zoom window moves to the top of the screen, which is more or less unusable. Please keep the zoom window on the bottom or maybe put the full tool bar directly on the zoom window.
32 votes -
Able to search meaning of words on web and also ipad dictionary
If good notes has another function which provide web-searching and ipad dictionary for words on PDF, it could be the best notes ever in existence.
20 votes -
Custom Toolbar in zoom window
It would be better to be able to edit the toolbar in zoom window. For example, adding more colors option or adding an eraser button etc.
43 votes -
Stylus calibration
Enable stylus calibration for better precision and writing comfort.
17 votes -
More notebooks covers and writing tools?
Any chance of more modern notebook covers (e.g. Leather, black covers)? And more writing tools, like pencils, various types of pen?
76 votes -
Adjust brightness and contrast of pictures
When you Take a picture with the Camera (I use it in the classroom as document-Camera) most pictures are too dark or suffer from insufficient brightness.
A quick and simple brightness and contrast adjustment will help a lot.
13 votes
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