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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8831 results found

  1. When choosing a preset, it would be useful if presets remembered what thickness you liked for that pen and if you had shape recognition enabled.
    Use case: I'm studying on a PDF book; to underline and take notes I'm using:
    - A yellow marker with shape recognition enabled to draw a perfect line on the text
    - A red thick pen with shape recognition enabled to further underline
    - A black thin pen and a red thin pen without shape recognition to write notes.

    With the current implementation, I have to choose the color, then choose the thickness, then enable…

    17 votes
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  2. Please keep the original full screen reading mode option. Having the menu bar at the top while you are only reading the notes is very distractive and buttons might be pushed unintentionally.

    22 votes
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  3. Write with a styles. Erase with your finger. Without switching function.

    30 votes
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  4. In thumbnail edit can choose pages like from page 4 to page 123.
    Can choose multiple pages with two or three click.

    7 votes
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  5. (Present) : style of highlighter drawing is circle
    suggestion : Highlighter drawing with rectangle (Parallel)

    55 votes
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  6. 437 votes
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  7. When pen or highlighter is selected, the possible colors should appear in the top toolbar for easy switching. In order to keep it uncluttered, only 5 colors are visible in the toolbar. The rest of the colors are available via the current method of long pressing the pen/highlighter.

    51 votes
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  8. 21 votes
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  9. Sometimes you highlight or add comments to a PDF using Preview or Adobe Reader on a computer. You then want to use GoodNotes to take additional notes; however, the previous annotations do not appear. This would be extremely helpful when taking notes.

    20 votes
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  10. fully customisable quick select options on the zoom box to allow us to have heading-width pen size and colours and different highlighter colours all just a single tap away.
    6 quick select boxes as well as the eraser would be great!

    9 votes
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  11. Non distractive full screen mode on iPad was one of my favorite feature.
    Please bring it back!

    Somehow after this small changes, I stopped using GoodNotes,,,

    44 votes
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  12. Add an option to change the paper template throughout the whole notebook, so that in the end every page will have the same background with one simple tap.

    259 votes
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  13. it would be very useful to be able to import short video in a notebook, an alternative would be the PDF import with embedded videos. is a feature planned for the future?

    30 votes
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  14. Would like to have more options regarding math figures.

    LectureNotes does this very good (see attached image)

    You can create and adjust coordinate systems, grids, dotted patterns, arrows, dotted lines and tables.

    233 votes
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  15. To be able to choose between page by page scroll to a continous scroll.

    54 votes
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  16. Ability to recognize typed text and handwritten text in png or pdf when importing documents or handwritten notes in pdf from another application.

    259 votes
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  17. handwrite the checklist, placed some shapes as the checkbox; An recognition feature + Handwriting Recognition makes the Check List Feature works in GoodNotes.

    37 votes
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  18. If I write an important reminder in one of my Goodnotes books I would like funtionality that allows the option of linking this to a calendar reminder date and time. When the reminder goes off it leaves me a message that links to a bookmark where the remix we originated from in Goodnotes.

    24 votes
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  19. I frequently find an article on the internet or a pdf on the internet that I want to download and read in GoodNotes so I can annotate what I'm reading. The process I currently use is that I print the article or pdf as a pdf file that I save in Dropbox. Then I go to Dropbox and open the pdf in GoodNotes.

    It would be great to be able to save the document directly into GoodNotes from my browser (which is Chrome) instead of constantly having to go through Dropbox.

    52 votes
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  20. The auto recognition shape feature is pretty cool, but I can't always draw the perfect square or triangle I'm looking for. An idea would be adding a feature to the auto recognition that allows you to drag/resize the shape once it has recognized your drawing.

    38 votes
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