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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8831 results found

  1. a bookmark icon on the top menu to bookmark the page you are viewing with just one tap. Just like when using a post-it on a book.
    Current bookmark menu has too many steps including entering the bookmark title.
    Bookmark menu inside the "add" menu can be used to edit the title and so on.

    24 votes
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  2. Specifically, I'd really like to see Swedish, but I'm sure there are people from all over the place wanting to see support for their language. Cheers!

    170 votes
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  3. Allow to choose how much the Zoom window goes down when it returns to the left of the page. Right now it goes down by a multiple of its height. This is not comfortable at all as the line I write into is only a fraction of the Zoom window height.

    16 votes
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  4. I have not yet found any apps that let you annotate a PDF or hand write notes which also allows for a reminder pop up for when a note or notes need to be looked at again. Due dates to finish a. Project.....

    12 votes
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  5. 31 votes
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  6. Possibility to export each page to svg format. Essential for me.

    45 votes
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  7. I use Goodnotes for study, and i add bookmarks. It would be great to be able to reorganize the bookmarks (alphabetically or numerically). That way, finding the right page would become easy AND quick, not having to read through hundreds of bookmarks to find the right one

    The app is great, one of the best in my opinion,
    Thanks, and keep up the good work

    17 votes
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  8. Goodnotes 3 one could manually sort the notes, please add the function again as name and date is not enough, at university I sometimes upload allot of docs at a time and need to re order them!!

    1,731 votes
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  9. Noteshelf has a calligraphy pen. When I write with it, my handwriting is completely legible and it feels like I'm writing on real paper. I love Goodnotes, but I have to work hard to make it legible.

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  10. The handwriting recognition and the ability to expert searchable PDF's are outstanding features. But I often write notes that include both English and other languages, especially French, that come up in my work, and the current search and export based on only one language at a time significantly limits the usefulness of these features, especially because it leads to significant errors in recognition, because, for instance, if the language is set to English, it will "recognize" a French word as a very different English wood. Thanks for considering this, and for a great app.

    27 votes
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  11. underline for text and more font options

    23 votes
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  12. Please add the option to have the auto-advance field not start at the very left but an offset that you can setup yourself.
    Following problem is occurring:
    As right-handed writer, you can rest your hand on the middle/right side of the screen (especially in landscape) and only use the left part to write... lets say only writing to the middle and then switch back to the beginning, giving you an option to write without moving your hand.
    As left-hander I can't rest my hand on the left side of the screen. If I could setup an offset for the auto-advance-field…

    23 votes
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  13. Add divider tabs into notebooks to make it look like a loose leaf binder

    760 votes
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  14. Handwriting recognition Updates:

    Handwriting Recognition Trainer --- I don't have the neatest writing (especially when i'm writing quickly) and a lot of the time words cannot be recognised. The already amazing Handwriting recognition could be improved and more accessible to everyone if you add a function that will allow you to train GoodNote's Handwriting Recognition to pickup your own handwriting.
    (e.g. This could be an optional trainer where you write a page of words and you can make recognition corrections that are remembered [similar to abbyy fine reader], OR an on the fly correction option)

    56 votes
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  15. Can be used to cover portions of images such as screenshots. White would be the most useful.

    7 votes
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  16. I Need a Lot of Time to Fill out Geometric structures like Triangels for example. A function to Fill them out or just hatch them. with only one Click Would make it Easy and more productive.

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  17. The new version added the page turn animation, but doesn't give the experience of reading ePub on iBooks.

    The animation looks very amateur, and quite annoying when trying to go back and forth for references. Hope add an option to disable this feature, just like what other apps do.

    44 votes
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    1. Exported pdf lost its bookmarks.
    2. As other pdf reader application, selection of text should be possible. After selecting text, define/copy/etc.. options can be popup.
    15 votes
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  18. Hi guys. I love this app, But GoodNotes does not support the Portuguese language. Please fix this. Portuguese and Brazilian users would appreciate this care. Please! With the excellent Handwriting Recognition, it is very important.

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  19. Right now if I try and resize a selected object, the only option is to resize the object on both dimensions (length and width), but I'd like to be able to resize on only one dimension sometimes.

    For a good implementation example, see the app "Inkflow"... they have both abilities there. But overall I like your app better so... please implement this feature!

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