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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8814 results found

  1. 57 votes
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  2. I would love it if you would be able to add the addition of bullet points to the taskbar. It's very frustrating to use dashes as bullet points and have them not align.

    This is would make Goodnotes much more competitive with Notability.

    56 votes
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  3. Please bring goodnotes app for Android tablets. I really loved goodnotes on ipad but I have not shifted to Android tabs. There are no goo alternatives. Would love to get Good notes on Android. Please accept this Good notes Team!!!!!

    56 votes
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  4. Enable GoodNotes to support the formats epub for e-books. We can totally utilize the use of this app for note-taking whilst reading an e-book in epub format (and the likes).

    56 votes
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  5. A stabilizer setting for pens in GoodNotes!

    Currently, when you go look on the GoodNotes App, on the Apple App Store, the previews show that you're able to easily draw these examples and diagrams for notes.. but it's VERY difficult to do in reality.

    If you talk to any Digital Artist, they'll tell you a stabilizer one of the most important features to have in any drawing program.

    I'm not trying to draw anything fancy, really. It's just really hard to draw remotely anything without the lines being jagged.

    More flexibility with the brush settings, in general, would help users…

    56 votes
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  6. I love the new flash card mode but it would be great if it could be extended

    I have a few ideas

    1. A shuffle mode for going through the cards randomly instead of the order I created them in

    2. A choice of switching between answer and question to study in both directions

    3. an option to write down the answer before checking it

    4. a seperate stack of flash cards with only the ones you got wrong a few times

    56 votes
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  7. If I can categorically separate my notes within a notebook with the help of individual sections or chapters, and be able to quickly and easily navigate between these, it would be a handy functionality benefit.

    This will allow the user to separate topics or ideas, while keeping the whole content in a single exportable notebook.

    56 votes
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  8. Handwriting recognition Updates:

    Handwriting Recognition Trainer --- I don't have the neatest writing (especially when i'm writing quickly) and a lot of the time words cannot be recognised. The already amazing Handwriting recognition could be improved and more accessible to everyone if you add a function that will allow you to train GoodNote's Handwriting Recognition to pickup your own handwriting.
    (e.g. This could be an optional trainer where you write a page of words and you can make recognition corrections that are remembered [similar to abbyy fine reader], OR an on the fly correction option)

    56 votes
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  9. I can't edit the iPad notes on the Windows PC because GoodNotes Windows doesn't sync with iOS.

    Maybe it's possible to implement a system where users can sync their notes between GoodNotes client using other cloud storage platforms (OneDrive, GDrive etc.)

    55 votes
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  10. It's straightforward.

    Create a set of tools like found in Photoshop ( or any design software ) which allow objects ( text, images, shapes, stamps, etc.) to be selected and aligned to:
    1. an object
    2. the canvas

    Additionally, add a tool for grouping and ungrouping objects and one to "send to the back" or "bring to the front" (practical when objects overlap ).

    GoodNotes is a note-taking app, and it should be equally considered a design app. Missing these simple tools that allow me to organize my content makes GoodNotes less effective and less efficient ( and often frustrating…

    55 votes
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  11. Need a date field for the date I took the note. This date should be static.

    The current sort function looks at “last modified” but is easily tricked (i.e. if you move the note today, the note will move to top of date sort instead of reflecting original date).

    Alternative: just allow date sorting by both created date and last modified date.

    55 votes
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  12. See two sequential pages from the same notebook on one screen. Similar to 2-page scroll in Adobe Acrobat or Mac Preview.
    Using the split screen mode in iPad OS 13 doesn't work because you have to manually scroll each window two pages at a time which is awkward

    55 votes
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  13. I am doing maths and physics and I need a ruler to draw lines etc.

    55 votes
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  14. Drawing shapes such as boxes or ovals around handwritings for highlighting certain words or phrases causes inaccurate handwritings recognition in GN5. The reason seems to be that GN5 treats shapes drawn by the shape tools just like regular handwritings made by the pen tool, unlike Notability.

    The only workaround seems to be only using the highlighter tool for emphasizing certain text since GN5 doesn't consider highlighters as text to be recognized, but the highlighter tool doesn't offer precise thickness control unlike the pen tool.

    Notability seems to treat both the highlighter and the shapes differently to the handwriting made by…

    55 votes
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  15. An ability to precisely select the eraser size rather than just a choice between three sizes (all of which are huge!) would be very helpful.

    The standard sizes for the eraser are all very large and so even using the smallest means that part of the words above and below end up getting removed. I appreciate you can zoom in to get more precision, but it interrupts workflow and is not a speedy or efficient solution when trying to take notes of a live meeting and keep up!

    The feature I am suggesting is already implemented in relation to the…

    55 votes
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  16. Text (which should fit ON THE PAGE LINES !) should auto “next page” so you can continuously flow through typing and not worry about going to the next page, making a new text box, fitting it, resizing the text to fit the grid lines

    55 votes
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  17. Allow user to embed a video in a page and allow playback. support different services such as youtube, vimeo, dropbox, google drive etc.

    55 votes
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  18. Most textbooks today are available electronically, but the MAJOR shortfall is the inability to easily annotate or take notes on them, specifically handwritten ones. Most readers are using not desktops/laptops, but tablets and phones with touch displays. Research shows better learning retention with handwritten over typed notes. If Goodnotes could truly allow this handwritten annotation function somehow, especially in Kindle app which we ALL have and use. Either a way to drag a Kindle book into the Goodnotes app, or an app extension for Kindle. Besides, what a better company to partner with like Amazon. Both companies would win as…

    55 votes
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  19. (Present) : style of highlighter drawing is circle
    suggestion : Highlighter drawing with rectangle (Parallel)

    55 votes
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  20. One day per page journals and planner style calendars would be extra useful especially if you can search by date.

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