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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



8814 results found

  1. Need an instant loan in Singapore? Xpress Loan offers fast payday loans with flexible terms. Get the cash you need today with quick approval and an easy application!

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  2. The space that the current toolbar takes on smaller ipads very large, designing a option to toggle the toolbar into a small movable window like in notability would drastically improve the space for smaller devices.
    I have been thinking of switching over for this exact reason but would like to see if this could be implemented first.
    Thank you.

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  3. I am a heavy goodnotes user, I have noticed that when my notes become complex the app starts to lag/bug/stutter to the point where my handwriting changes (as if the app is drawing straight lines between points that are noticeably further away from each other). By complex files, I don't mean long documents but rather supercharged single-page documents (for cheat sheets for example)

    edit: I am using an M series iPad Pro

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  4. I am required to download maps and images into Goodnotes for work and highlight and markup on these files.
    I find it extremely difficult to spot colours on an already colourful document. Is there a a tool or setting that could allow the user to change files from colour to greyscale?
    There are a few long ways to do this with desktops but I only carry an iPad with me. So unless I have a premium Adobe subscription I am stuck.
    I understand my issue may be unique but I’m sure the ‘convert to greyscale’ tool could come in handy…

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  5. Be able to scale a picture from corner, rather than centre. So, top left corner stays put, and dragging the bottom right corner of a picture scales the picture proportionately (and the top left corner stays fixed)

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  6. Be able to scale a picture by dragging from the corner rather than center-scaling. So, Top Left corner stays fixed, dragging the bottom right corner enlarges the picture proportionately. Perhaps by pressing the Option button while dragging the corner?

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  7. Similar to your auto-correct feature, this tool would recognize the handwriting and make it neater and more consistent.
    It would not be the convert feature, which although very useful for the same purposes, requires time and effort, disturbs diagrams and mind maps, and is not as user-friendly as the refine feature in Apple Notes, which I have missed since switching to GoodNotes.

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  8. I am currently summarizing 400 pages of slides for my studies on Learn sets and learning with the smart learn. Unfortunately, I'm missing a mega important feature: I can't search my learning sets to see whether I've already recorded topics or questions or whether I still need to record them. A search function for the learning sets would be very essential here.
    Hopefully, this shouldn't be too much effort, so that I can search within my flashcards.

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  9. Please add a button on the tool bar to hide the nav bar and tabs bar. The nav bar and tabs bar takes a lot of space and they're not needed when I'm editing a document. It's annoying how the 2 big bars take up precious screen space. I love Goodnotes, but I unfortunately would have to switch to another app if this issue is unsolved.

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  10. I think it would be good if we could see how much time we spent on a document, it could be really useful.

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  11. Welche Casinos bieten einen Startbonus ohne Einzahlung an?

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  12. Hello, I don't know if anyone here can help me with this but I don't lose anything by asking, you see my girlfriend needs help with a product for her eyelash extensions, I'm talking about shampoo, the trusted store where she always bought it has run out of stock for everything month and she needs the shampoo yes or yes to be able to clean her eyelash extensions but she doesn't need any because they damage her eyes, I need one that is very good, from a very good brand, this is why I wanted to ask you for help,…

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  13. About tape tilt
    When you pull the masking tape, it ends up at an angle, which is inconvenient.
    Therefore, I would like to be able to pull the tape straight instead of diagonally.

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  14. I would love for the old function to classify a flashcard into different categories once I’ve tested myself (easy, difficult, very difficult, didn’t get it). Goodnotes used to have this option but it doesn’t have it anymore. I want a better spaced repetition algorithm for the study set.
    When I use it right now, I have too many flash cards at once (the really easy one and the hard one all at once).

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  15. I hope the Lasso tool could change the thickness of the writing. Currently we could change the color, but at times we need the thickness to separate titles from body text that we couldn't do when we are busy taking notes. This could help the note review process slightly more efficient.

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  16. Hey guys, tell me which LinkedIn automation tools do you use? I want to simplify my routine tasks: sending requests, messages, and finding contacts. Which ones are the most reliable and secure? I heard that some of them can lead to account blocking. I want to find something convenient and effective, but I don’t know where to start. Share your experience!

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  17. When creating an internal link within a note, link to study set of flashcards.

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  18. Hi,

    Russian and Bulgarian both use Cyrillic please implement Bulgarian handwriting recognition 🙏🏼

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  19. Online there are tremendously useful AI services that convert a PDF to a set of study cards. It would be amazing to be able to have AI convert notes to study sets automatically.

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  20. Can you change the "Remove all tape" button to a toggle, or make a separate toggle tool to temporarily remove/transparent all tape so when we are not using it, we have the option of reading our notes fully without having to delete all tape and reapply them when needed.

    I love the tape feature and I believe it is very useful, but it would be time-consuming to click 'Remove all tape' and reapply them back, or manually tap on each individual tapes when you want to reveal everything when you're read all your notes and when you want to cover…

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